Reversal of legal service cuts draws broad media coverage

Updated: Monday 30 March

The Federal Attorney-General George Brandis yesterday announced the reversal of significant funding cuts to the legal assistance sector over 2015–16 and 2016–17 made as part of the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) process in December 2013.

The reversal of funding cuts included community legal centres, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (ATSILS), and State and Territory Legal Aid Commissions, but excluded Environment Defenders Offices, and the national Aboriginal legal peak NATSILS. Cuts planned for 2017–18 have also not been reversed.

The announcement confirmed that restrictions on advocacy imposed by the Attorney-General in July 2014 would be maintained. Continue reading

Cuts reversal welcome relief, but future funding boost to legal services needed to fully protect the vulnerable

The reversal of deep cuts to legal assistance services announced today by Federal Attorney-General George Brandis has been welcomed by the Federation of Community Legal Centres, but the Victorian community legal peak has warned that a future funding boost is required to fully protect the most vulnerable.

‘We welcome the reversal of cuts that were already impacting 13 community legal centres in Victoria and 60 nationally, and the recognition from Government that centres play a vital role. There remains that the Productivity Commission has recommended a funding boost of $200 million to legal assistance services that were already chronically underfunded before these cuts,’ said Liana Buchanan, Executive Officer of the Federation, today. Continue reading

Case for funding overwhelming as Senate inquiry backs legal assistance services in the fight against family violence

Interim recommendations of a Senate inquiry to restore and significantly boost funding for legal assistance services to help tackle family violence have been welcomed by the Federation of Community Legal Centres, the peak body for 49 community legal centres in Victoria. Continue reading

Federal cuts hit as community legal centres make the case for the vulnerable

Updated: 19 March 2015

Community legal centres have been in the national, state and local news as Federal Government cuts set to commence on 1 July begin to impact centres in Victoria and beyond.

Murray Mallee Community Legal Service and Far West Community Legal Centre (NSW) have already experienced staff losses as a result of cuts that will particularly impact women at risk of family violence. ARC Justice, Brimbank Melton Community Legal Centre and Whittlesea Community Legal Service have also been in the news in anticipation of impacts from the funding cuts. Continue reading

One community legal centre wins back funding, but free legal help for vulnerable uncertain nationwide

Reinstatement of two-year funding to a single community legal centre by the Federal Government has been welcomed, but leaves 13 centres in Victoria and nearly 60 centres nationally with cuts commencing on 1 July and ongoing funding uncertainty, according to the Federation of Community Legal Centres (Victoria).

‘Yarra Ranges Community Legal Centre is a great example of why free legal help in local communities is vitally important, especially given the prevalence of family violence, and we commend the Federal Government for acknowledging that cutting this service would have a devastating impact. However, centres throughout Victoria and Australia are still facing cuts that will leave vulnerable people with no options for legal help. For the sake of these centres and their clients, we hope to see similar announcements made in coming weeks,’ said Federation Executive Officer, Liana Buchanan, today. Continue reading

Federal Opposition commitment on family violence welcome

The Federation of Community Legal Centres has welcomed the announcement today of a $70m Federal Opposition initial investment to tackle family violence, including funding for legal services of $47.4m. Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has also committed to a national crisis summit, which has also been welcomed as a vital opportunity for coordinated national action on family violence. Continue reading