Canberra Times

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Retaining wall collapses in Kingston during earthworks

Steven Trask

Published: July 11 2017 - 6:43PM

Worksafe ACT is investigating the collapse of a concrete retaining wall during construction at a major Kingston development.

No one was injured in the collapse, at a development on the corner of Cunningham Street and The Causeway.

A witness who was walking her dog near the construction site at the time said the wall collapsed with an "explosive" crash.

"It frightened the hell out of me," the witness, who asked not to be named, said.

"My friend had to come over afterwards just to calm me down."

The incident is believed to have occurred about 11am on Tuesday, when the Emergency Services Agency was called out to assess a gas pipeline incident.

Engineers remained at the site on Tuesday afternoon, ensuring there was no threat posed by electricity and gas supplied to the site.

CFMEU ACT boss Dean Hall said the government needed to step in to prevent similar accidents happening on building sites in the future.

Mr Hall raised similar concerns in 2016 when a large section of ground collapsed at a building site near Bunnings in Tuggeranong.

He said it was the fourth such accident he could recall in the past two years, and sooner or later someone would get hurt.

"The government needs to step in and do something about this," he said.

"Sooner or later people are going to either be seriously injured in a collapse or someone is going to be killed."

A spokeswoman for acting Regulatory Services Minister Shane Rattenbury said work safety was a priority for the government.

"An investigation into this incident is under way by WorkSafe ACT which will determine how this particular incident occurred," he said.

Access Canberra said the collapse had a minor effect on properties in the area.

"There have been no injuries to workers. Power in the immediate area was temporarily disrupted for about 40 minutes," a spokeswoman said.

"A small parking area on an adjacent road is cordoned off at the moment as a precaution due to a crack in the pavement which will be inspected and repaired as necessary.

"WorkSafe ACT will work with the building company to understand how this incident occurred which will form part of its investigation into the incident."

On-site representatives from the Construction Control project management company declined to comment about the cause of the collapse when approached by The Canberra Times.

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