'The milk of human kindness had engorged my compassion-udder'

'The milk of human kindness had engorged my compassion-udder'

Three acts of kindness in three days. Maybe it's the spirit of Christmas, bringing out the best in me. Or it might be the lovely sunshiny weather we've been having. Or it could just be the general buoyant mood of jubilation about an exciting future under a US-Russia Super-Alliance Of Global Malevolence. Whatever it is, the milk of human kindness is oozing out of me, full-cream and permeate-free.

The first act of kindness happened last week. I was driving in my car and pulled up at a red traffic light, which wasn't the act of kindness itself, but still, it was very considerate of me and I felt good about doing it.

Act of kindness #1: signing a Reef petition...

Act of kindness #1: signing a Reef petition...Credit:Jason South

The actual act of kindness happened while I was waiting at the lights. A woman walked up to my car rattling a charity-tin, saying "Would you like to give to the orphanage?" and of course I was happy to help – I have first-hand experience with orphanages, having played an orphan in a school production of Oliver!, cruelly forced to sing in keys way beyond my pre-pubescent range.

So I dropped two bucks into her tin and she said "Thanks for supporting Rabbit Runaway Orphanage! Your donation will help provide care for stray or mistreated rabbits!" It wasn't exactly the kind of orphanage I was imagining, but the lights had changed so I couldn't ask for my money back. And anyway, it was one of those sealed charity tins, we would've needed a can opener.


The second act of kindness happened the next morning. I was checking my emails and spotted a message from Change.org asking me to sign a petition to protect the Great Barrier Reef from coral bleaching, and I thought, hmmm, I really love coral and I really hate bleach, this is my kind of cause.

So I clicked on the link and signed the petition – it wasn't easy to do, I had to get my mouse-cursor to click inside a tiny red signing box, but I managed to do it and I was very pleased with my effort. Almost immediately, another petition popped up about micro-plastics clogging waterways, so I signed that one too, then I got another petition about school bullying ... I just kept signing petitions, like the medic-hero in the movie Hacksaw Ridge, saving lives and yelling "JUST ONE MORE! JUST ONE MORE!" I signed and signed until my clicking finger was bruised and numb, and my mouse-pad was a sweat-soaked battlefield strewn with dead flaky remnants of palm-skin.

The third act of kindness happened just yesterday. I was walking out of my local supermarket, holding a bag of shopping: apple cider vinegar, Zooper-Doopers, and a pack of Chux sponge-scourers – all the essentials for Christmas.

Outside the supermarket I spotted a homeless guy slumped on the footpath, and I was struck by the profundity of the situation. Here's me with my fancy consumerist items, there's him with nothing at all, I should probably give him some money, or at least one of the sponge-scourers, they come in a twin-pack. I pondered this all the way back to the car park, then I pondered it some more as I popped my shopping in the car. I decided to go back and give the guy some money but when I got there, he was gone.

I needed to do something, so when I got home, I gave one hundred bucks to the UNHCR Syrian Crisis Appeal. Because I had no choice: the milk of human kindness had engorged my compassion-udder, and my teats-of-goodwill were just aching to be tugged.

Danny Katz is a columnist for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. He writes the Modern Guru column in the Good Weekend magazine. He is also the author of the books Spit the Dummy, Dork Geek Jew and the Little Lunch series for kids.