Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations


Number: 5366 videotapes (as of 1.6.2005)
Format: VHS, U-matic, Betacam, Betamax, V2000, Hi8
Access: Videotapes are accessible accessible through the catalogue. Search for 'video' plus organisation, person, or subject. Of some collections more detailed lists are available (see below).
Consultation: Not available for loan. VHS, U-matic and Hi8 can be consulted in the reading room by previous arrangement.
Reproductions: Copies can be ordered - see rates.


Some important collections

The Netherlands

  • video archive Oktopus Amsterdam
  • video archive Video Persgroep Amsterdam
  • videotapes Rabotnik TV Amsterdam
  • video newsletters El Sol from Nicaragua
  • videotapes PvdA
  • videotapes AJC
  • commemoration ’February strike 1941’
  • DAT tapes and videotapes on Marinus van der Lubbe for the film Water en Vuur
  • videotapes Staatsarchief, the Dutch squatters' movement and Vrije Keijser Televisie
  • video archive FNV Bondgenoten [PDF asttached]

Other countries

  • various recordings and documentaries of May 1 demonstrations
  • documentaries on the Paris Commune 1870
  • interviews and documentaries on the Spanish Civil War
  • documentaries and recordings of the Beijing student protest in 1989
  • oral history project on the Iranian Left - list attached
  • oral history project on the Bengal and Indian left
  • interviews with Turkish unionists
  • documentaries on racism from collection United Amsterdam
  • documentaries anti-globalism demonstrations
  • documentaries on multinationals from collection DIAS
  • recordings of the Croatian television on Serbian war acts, 1991
  • videotapes on the war in former Yugoslavia
  • videotapes Amnesty International The Netherlands - list attached
  • videotapes Greenpeace
  • videotapes Medienwerkstatt Freiburg for project Artur Die Gewaltfrage 1968
  • 'Advisory Opinion on the Legality of Nuclear Weapons' at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, visual document of the legal case enhanced by the IPPNW in 1995
  • raw material for Turkish film Bir kirmizi gül içinde
  • videotapes Working Group Indigenous People (WIP) - list attached
  • tape library of the video conference Next 5 Minutes 1993, 1996 and 1999
  • videotapes Solidariteitskomitee Mexico - list attached
  • Nederlands Instituut voor Zuidelijk Afrika (NIZA, Netherlands Instiute for Southern Africa)
  • videotapes Missionair Centrum Heerlen - list attached