Sahih International

Ta, Seen. These are the verses of the Qur'an and a clear Book


Sahih International

As guidance and good tidings for the believers


Sahih International

Who establish prayer and give zakah, and of the Hereafter they are certain [in faith].


Sahih International

Indeed, for those who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have made pleasing to them their deeds, so they wander blindly.


Sahih International

Those are the ones for whom there will be the worst of punishment, and in the Hereafter they are the greatest losers.


Sahih International

And indeed, [O Muhammad], you receive the Qur'an from one Wise and Knowing.


Sahih International

[Mention] when Moses said to his family, "Indeed, I have perceived a fire. I will bring you from there information or will bring you a burning torch that you may warm yourselves."


Sahih International

But when he came to it, he was called, "Blessed is whoever is at the fire and whoever is around it. And exalted is Allah, Lord of the worlds.


Sahih International

O Moses, indeed it is I - Allah, the Exalted in Might, the Wise."


Sahih International

And [he was told], "Throw down your staff." But when he saw it writhing as if it were a snake, he turned in flight and did not return. [ Allah said], "O Moses, fear not. Indeed, in My presence the messengers do not fear.