WES $40.91 -0.15% Last updated 7/07/2017 6:50:03 PM

Trading Summary WES

Period High Low Volume Value Trades
Previous Day $41.025 $40.640 2,241,168 $91,579,571 15,609
Week $0.000 $0.000 $0
Month $0.000 $0.000 $0
Quarter $0.000 $0.000 $0
Year $0.000 $0.000 $0
Rolling Year $0.000 $0.000 $0
Financial Year $0.000 $0.000 $0

Market Sensitive Announcements WES

Market Sensitive Headline Date Type Pages
Sensitive Announcement Officeworks strategic review - update Progress Report 1
Sensitive Announcement Quarterly Statement of Production, Development & Exploration Periodic Reports - Other 3
Sensitive Announcement 2017 Third Quarter Retail Sales Results Periodic Reports - Other 9
Sensitive Announcement 2017 Half-year Results Announcement Half Yearly Report 6
Sensitive Announcement 2017 Half-year Report (incorporating Appendix 4D) Dividend Reinvestment Plan, Half Yearly Report, Half Year Audit Review, Half Year Directors' Statement, Half Year Accounts, Half Year Directors' Report, Dividend Record Date, Dividend Pay Date, Dividend Rate 53
Sensitive Announcement Rob Scott to succeed Richard Goyder as Managing Director Director Appointment/Resignation 3
Sensitive Announcement First Half Earnings Update/Quarterly Statement of Production Second Quarter Activities Report 3
Australian Securities Exchange Morningstar Thomson Reuters