NAB $30.34 +2.78% Last updated 4/07/2017 4:39:06 PM

Trading Summary NAB

Period High Low Volume Value Trades
Previous Day $30.475 $29.970 6,821,349 $206,539,527 24,463
Week $0.000 $0.000 $0
Month $0.000 $0.000 $0
Quarter $0.000 $0.000 $0
Year $0.000 $0.000 $0
Rolling Year $0.000 $0.000 $0
Financial Year $0.000 $0.000 $0

Market Sensitive Announcements NAB

Market Sensitive Headline Date Type Pages
Sensitive Announcement Moody's Credit Rating Revision 1
Sensitive Announcement NABHE - Suspension and removal of expired class Suspension from Official Quotation 1
Sensitive Announcement NABHB - Suspension from Official Quotation Suspension from Official Quotation 2
Sensitive Announcement S&P Hybrid and Subordinated Debt Credit Rating Revision 1
Sensitive Announcement Open letter to shareholders on major bank tax Progress Report, Letter to Shareholders 3
Sensitive Announcement Appendix 4D - 2017 Half Year Results Half Yearly Report, Half Year Audit Review, Half Year Directors' Statement, Half Year Accounts, Half Year Directors' Report, Dividend Record Date, Dividend Pay Date, Dividend Rate 114
Sensitive Announcement NAB 2017 Half Year Results Half Yearly Report, Dividend Rate 4
Sensitive Announcement NAB Subordinated Notes 2 Offer Replacement Prospectus Disclosure Document 133
Sensitive Announcement NAB Subordinated Notes 2 Offer - Margin and Bookbuild Issued Capital - Other 2
Sensitive Announcement NAB Subordinated Notes 2 Prospectus Issued Capital - Other, Disclosure Document 132
Australian Securities Exchange Morningstar Thomson Reuters