ISD $1.97 -0.51% Last updated 21/06/2017 3:22:21 PM

Trading Summary ISD

Period High Low Volume Value Trades
Previous Day $2.000 $1.930 1,774,017 $3,502,437 2,209
Week $2.000 $1.850 4,354,899 $8,501,043 7,001
Month $2.015 $1.710 27,951,588 $51,653,311 33,994
Quarter $2.015 $1.310 112,387,791 $189,086,389 108,466
Year $2.890 $1.310 257,661,131 $460,412,269 247,401
Rolling Year $4.140 $1.310 441,522,665 $1,048,765,349 521,172
Financial Year $4.140 $1.310 435,961,788 $1,029,484,317 512,087

Market Sensitive Announcements ISD

Market Sensitive Headline Date Type Pages
Sensitive Announcement ISD Half Year Results Announcement and Trading Update Half Yearly Report 3
Sensitive Announcement ISD Half Year Financial Report Half Yearly Report, Half Year Audit Review, Half Year Directors' Statement, Half Year Accounts, Half Year Directors' Report, Dividend Record Date, Dividend Pay Date, Dividend Rate 22
Sensitive Announcement Isentia Appointment of Matthew Stanton Director Appointment/Resignation 2
Australian Securities Exchange Morningstar Thomson Reuters