Emmanuel Macron at the weekend's G20 summit. Support among business leaders for his program could start to wane.

Macronmania dims among French bosses

The economics of governing are suddenly looking complicated for the French President. His promise to cut the deficit is coming up against business leaders who feel they are overdue for tax relief.

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Lawmakers said Trump had appeased the Russian president.

Trump tries to put Moscow claims behind him

The US President insisted that he had 'strongly pressed' President Vladimir Putin on allegations of meddling twice in a private meeting last week and declared that it was 'time to move forward'.

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Shinzo Abe and his wife Akie in Finland on Sunday. The Japanese PM faces party upheaval back home.

Abe to reshuffle cabinet as support plunges

Last week's election loss, delivered by a novice political group, spotlights the Japanese Prime Minister's potential vulnerability after nearly five years in power.

Donald Trump Jr. on the campaign trail for his father in 2016. The meeting took place that year.

Trump's son caught up in Russia probe

Donald Trump's Jr. met last year with a Russian woman who offered to provide damaging information on Hillary Clinton, his father's Democratic opponent in the 2016 election.

COSCO Shipping was created last year through the merger of sixth- and seventh-ranked container fleets China Ocean ...

COSCO shares climb after bid

A suitor's shares often fall after making a bid, but the company's Hong Kong-listed stock rose as much as 6 per cent on Monday, to its highest in almost two years.