Sabrina, the Teenage Witch has hosted a wide array of characters and guests over its series run. Sabrina and Salem are the only two characters to remain on the show throughout all consecutive seven seasons and all three made-for-TV movies.
The Irish handed the ball to its hungry down-hill runner senior Eli Riegel forty times in the game. Riegel powered his way for 274 yards and four touchdowns including a 63-yard jaunt in the second half of the game ...SeniorsTorin Cavanaugh, Colt Sell and Anderson helped with four stops each while senior DavidMorgan and Meade had three each ... .
Douglas County will give $410,000 to support an effort to provide free legal assistance to low-income people facing eviction from their rental homes. The Douglas County Board voted Tuesday to make the expenditure ...Maureen Boyle ... Board Members Mary Ann Borgeson, Jim Cavanaugh, Mike Friend and P.J.Morgan joined Boyle in voting yes ... Morgan abstained ... Cpl ... .
More On.. clueless. Alicia Silverstone channels Cher Horowitz for Rodarte ... “It’s not about that at all ... Donovan, who is also known for playing Morgan Cavanaugh in “Sabrina the Teenage Witch,” has continued acting in recent years, but her most recent passion project is a book entitled “Wake Me When You Leave.” ... .
Morgan as the city's 46th mayor. The 49-year-old Morgan became the city's fourth mayor since Omaha's last mayoral election in 1985, when former Mayor Mike Boyle won re-election handily ... Morgan, Mary Ann Borgeson and James Cavanaugh listen to Diane Battiato, the Douglas County assessor, talk about preliminary property tax valuations.
But the Cardinals responded with the two biggest baskets of the game -- the first from Morgan Frejie 11 seconds after the free throw and the second from freshman guard JayaHenderson with 2.06 left ... Ezura Rainbow 16, Myona Dauphinais 13, Mahpiya Jackson 12, Makisha Cavanaugh 1.