
Article 1: Name and Purpose

  1. The name of this chartered body of the IWW is the New York City General Membership Branch (GMB).
  2. The GMB shall nurture workplace and industry organizing efforts within New York City, and its surrounding metropolitan area.
  3. The GMB shall encourage the growth of worker industrial organizing strategies, up to and including the formation of new Organizing Committees and Industrial Union Branch bodies.
  4. Dues shall be assessed at the General Union constitutional standard.
  5. These bylaws shall be provided to new members and made available upon request to any IWW member in good standing.

Article 2: Membership

  1. Membership in the GMB shall be open to all IWW members not represented by other Industrial Union Branches or GMBs. Ability to participate in meetings, including the right to vote will be determined by the dues status of a member.
  2. IWW members from other Industrial Union Branches or other General Membership Branches may be allowed voice in the affairs of the GMB, if they are approved by a majority of GMB membership at a regularly scheduled business meeting. Members from the NYC area who do not pay dues to GMB Delegates may also be granted voice in meetings. Non-members may also
    be allowed voice at a meeting if approved by a majority of members at the meeting.

Article 3: Meetings

  1. A quorum of five (5) GMB members in Good Standing must be present to conduct the meeting.
  2. There shall be a minimum of one (1) business meeting of the GMB per month, at a well advertised date and location. The GMB may authorize additional business meetings during the month as needed. Other meetings of the Branch may be called for purposed of discussion and strategizing.
  3. Members present and in good standing at meetings will be able to vote. Anyone more than two months behind on their dues will not be able to vote, unless approved by those present at the meeting. Assembled Members have the final say in the level of participation of workers in bad standing.

Article 4: Officers

  1. The GMB shall elect a Secretary and Treasurer for one year terms, to begin on Jan 1st. Nominations for Secretary and Treasurer will be open at the November GMB meeting, with formal election taking place in December by referendum. The duties of Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed to the individuals receiving the majority number of votes for each position. Instant runoff voting shall be used in cases of more than two candidates per office. Departing Secretaries/Treasurers are expected to spend at least one month training their replacements. See below for job descriptions.
  2. The GMB shall elect Delegates for one year terms, to begin on March 1st. Nominations for Delegates will be open at the January GMB meeting, with formal election taking place at the February GMB meeting. Delegates may also be elected throughout the year as deemed necessary by developing organizing projects, provided that they are approved by a majority vote of a regular GMB business meeting.
  3. GMB Officers must be in and remain in good standing as defined by Article V Section 1 of the IWW Constitution. If any Officer falls more than two (2) months behind on their dues, they shall be given the option of catching up or being replaced.
  4. All Officers are asked to report monthly in writing and attend regular branch meetings. It is asked that for non-organizing matters reports be published via the e-mail list and available at the meeting.
  5. All Officers are subject to recall by referendum.

Job Descriptions and Duties


  • Keeps a current record of GMB business meeting minutes both electronic and paper copies.
  • Develops and maintains a contact sheet of members (telephone, email, mailing addresses).
  • Reports on activities to the monthly meeting, and attends meetings (or finds someone to attend).
  • Regularly meets with Treasurer to discuss and make decisions on matters directly related to administering the office, or emergency organizing situations.
  • Checks in with and coordinates with standing committee chairs, organizing or otherwise, and ensures regular timely reports. Also discusses what needs the committee has and communicates this to delegates.
  • Updates GMB database regularly to insure that IWW mailings reach all members in Good Standing.
  • No member may serve as GMB Secretary for more than two (2) consecutive terms. A member may run for Secretary again at the end of his or her second term if no alternate candidate can be found.
  • As needed the branch can appoint an assistant to the Secretary for the purpose of helping her/him to carry out their workload.


  • Maintains an accurate and current ledger of the GMB bank account expenditures and income.
  • Completes and sends a written Branch Secretary/Treasurer Report to IWW General Headquarters by the 10th of every month, and accurately records the GMB dues share.
  • Safeguards the GMB check book and issues checks/receipts as needed.
  • Issues monthly written reports reflecting branch income and expenditures to the GMB business meeting.
  • Updates dues information in the GMB membership spreadsheet each month.
  • No member may serve as GMB Treasurer for more than two (2) consecutive terms. A member may run for Treasurer again at the end of his or her second term if no alternate candidate can be found.
  • The Branch may as needed appoint an assistant to the Treasurer for the purpose of helping her/him with their workload.


  • Delegates will be elected yearly. Delegates may serve for as many years as they wish. All delegates will be asked to attend a delegates training before serving their term.
  • Delegates are charged with: signing up new members, collecting dues, and maintaining regular contact with Members on their contact sheets at least once a month.
  • The roles of the delegates go beyond the collection of dues. Delegates will be asked to build and maintain relationships with Members on their contact sheet, for the purpose of getting them involved in organizing projects, other committees, and for giving everyone a face for the IWW.
  • Reports by the 5th changes in membership information.

Article 5: Finances

  1. The GMB shall maintain a bank account in their name for the purposes of organizing and union expenses. It shall be the responsibility of the GMB Treasurer to keep a balanced ledger of this account, and to act as liaison between the branch and our bank.
  2. The primary purposes of maintaining a bank account are to supplement the financial needs of GMB organizing projects, and to contribute to the expenses of the union hall(s).
  3. The GMB treasurer is authorized to dispense budgeted funds and discretionary emergency expenditures not to exceed $50 per month. All emergency expenditures must be reported to the Branch.
  4. Any unbudgeted funds above $50 must be approved by a majority vote of the GMB at a branch meeting.
  5. The GMB Treasurer shall make financial records available for inspection within a reasonable amount of time upon request by any GMB member in good standing.
  6. The GMB Treasurer may request for branch members to act as alternate signers in issuing written checks from the account. A GMB member must be approved by a majority of a branch business meeting in order to be included at the bank as a secondary signer for the account. Any secondary signers must file receipts and record their expenditures in the GMB ledger in the manner prescribed by the GMB Treasurer.

Article 6: Organizing

  1. A committee of at least three (3) members will volunteer or be elected before the branch will authorize an organizing drive to proceed. This committee will be responsible for reporting to the branch at each branch meeting all aspects of the organizing drive which they will oversee.

Article 7: Standing Committees

  1. Standing Committees can be appointed for projects of the branch. These are outside of organizing committees. Examples of such committees are Literature, Education, and Fundraising.
  2. The Committees are expected to have a chair and a set of goals approved by the General Membership Branch.
  3. Standing Committeeā€™s will be asked to report monthly to the General Membership Branch.
  4. The role of committee chair will be to issue monthly report, discuss status of Committee with the Branch Secretary and indicate where they need help with their work. They will also be of each month, turns over any money they have collected, and notes any expected to communicate with the Branch Secretary about any upcoming events.

Article 8: Amendments

  1. Any article of these bylaws may be amended, or any article may be added, through a majority vote of the branch membership through the December referendum vote conducted by mail ballot.
  2. For a proposed amendment of these bylaws to be approved for referendum, a written motion stating the amended articles, or article to be added, must be endorsed by at least 10 GMB members in good standing, or endorsed by a regular monthly branch meeting.

Article 9: Anti-Harassment Policy

  1. Harassment is not allowed.

Article 10: Conflicting Parts

  1. All parts of the GMB by-laws conflicting with the IWW Constitution are null and void.