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The Irish Left Archive: Irish Socialist, Communist Party of Ireland, June 1970 June 29, 2009

Posted by irishonlineleftarchive in Communist Party of Ireland, Irish Left Online Document Archive.


IS JUNE 1970 2

A further addition to the Archive which underlines the convergence of interests between the Communist Party of Ireland and Sinn Féin in its Official incarnation during the late 1960s and early 1970s.

This is explicit in an article which strongly criticises the ‘official’ Labour movement and Conor Cruise O’Brien for an unwillingness to join cross party alliances against Paisleyism and also take Eamonn McCann and Bernadette Devlin to task for their unwillingness to ‘cooperate with forces who aren’t socialist’. And naturally the situation in the North remains paramount as a specific concern.

Other notable aspects include an article by “The unmarried mother” by “one of them” and “Strong Girl Wanted for Light Work” which demonstrate how much, and how little, has changed in the last 39 years or so.

In terms of international outlook one will see pieces on Cambodia but the focus is very much on Ireland, from a piece on “How U.S. Big Business is taking over Ireland” by Michael O’Riordan to “These are the Monopolies Who Control Cement Ltd.”

All this and Lenin on the National Question.



1. Jim Monaghan - June 29, 2009

One of the minor controversies of the time is that cement was imported from Poland to help break the strike.It was through a port in Donegal. I think Einde O’Callaghan who runs a Marxist resource site in Germany was the source of this information.


2. Starkadder - June 29, 2009

I wonder if the “John Swift” advertised as writing for next month is the
same man who used to run the Secular Society in 1930s


3. Tom Redmond - June 30, 2009

The ” John Swift” mentioned could be either Senior or Junior . The father would have been the man who ran the Secular Society in the 1930s and was the leader of the Bakers Union for many years. A great left wing personality. There are two books on John Senior – one his own reminscenes and his life by his son.


4. Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen Linken « Entdinglichung - July 3, 2009

[…] Communist Party of Ireland (CPI): Irish Socialist, Juni 1970 * Democratic Left: Times Change, Winter […]


5. Irish Left Review · Looking Left No. 4: The Irish Socialist - July 29, 2009

[…] Here’s the fourth and final programme in the Looking Left series, and the topic is the newspaper of the Communist Party of Ireland, the Irish Socialist. Cedarlounge has a great post on the paper here. […]


6. LOOKING LEFT, NO.4: THE IRISH SOCIALIST | Irish Labour and Working Class History - August 23, 2009

[…] Here’s the fourth and final programme in the Looking Left series, and the topic is the newspaper of the Communist Party of Ireland, the Irish Socialist. Cedarlounge has a great post on the paper here. […]


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