Welcome to Peace News, the newspaper for the UK grassroots peace and justice movement. We seek to oppose all forms of violence, and to create positive change based on cooperation and responsibility. See more

"Peace News has compiled an exemplary record... its tasks have never been more critically important than they are today." Noam Chomsky

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Saudis have asked US for permission for devastating assault

Over 280 events take place in 45 countries

PN & friends celebrate release of US whistleblower

Prosecution part of sustained attack on human rights group

850 prisoners enter sixth week of hunger strike

Mark Rylance joins CO commemoration


by Milan Rai

PN's editor recalls his experience of a 'police triple-decker sandwich'

by Ian Sinclair

How a human rights lawyer was destroyed

by Diana Shelley

50 years after the colonels’ coup in Greece

by Karen Ridd

How striking workers resisted a seven-day work week

by Murad Subay

Art by the award-winning Yemeni artist

From the Blog

by PN staff | 7 Jul, 2017

122 countries vote in favour of a treaty banning nuclear weapons - Britain refused to participate

by Kathy Kelly | 3 Jul, 2017

Who carries out the works of mercy in the war-torn country of Afghanistan?

by PN staff | 28 Jun, 2017

Blending theatre, art and politics, the Peace History Conferences go from strength to strength

by Milan Rai | 22 Jun, 2017

How the mainstream media self-censored 'revenge' for western foreign policy from their reporting on the Manchester attacks



We can't win radical change just by electing "the right people", argues Milan Rai

A bit of ecclesiastical direct action, anyone?

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The World Is My Country

As part of our project to celebrate the people and movements that opposed the First World War, Peace News has published a series of posters (produced by Emily Johns) and the stories behind them (written by Gabriel Carlyle). Excerpts of four of these are printed below. The posters and accompanying book are available to buy here. For more information, see The World Is My Country.

Tools and Resources

PN's DIY guide to meeting online

Published by Peace News, Jan 2016.

A 100-page booklet celebrating key figures and events from the First World War anti-war movement.