The Argument from Contingency: A Brief Synopsis

Stars and Universe GalaxyDefinitions:

Def 1: A contingent being is a being such that if it exists, could have not-existed or could cease to exist.
Def 2: A necessary being (or non-contingent being) is a being such that if it exists, cannot not-exist (and therefore could not not-have-existed and cannot cease to exist).

Note: I use ground-reason essentially to do the work of the German Grund, a word which neither the English “ground” nor “reason” sufficiently captures in meaning, since it unites the sides of being and knowing, the ontological and the epistemological, in one.

The Argument 

1. A contingent being C exists.

Read more at Eve Keneinan’s blog

Biochemist Sy Garte: Unlearning Childhood Atheist Indoctrination

Portrait of Sy GarteSy Garte discusses how raised as a red diaper baby, he over came his childhood indoctrination to embrace Christianity.  His study of science in graduate school made him question the Markist/atheist beliefs his parents raised him with. You can listen to the entire interview here.

Intellectually Dishonest or Defective Atheists

Picture of man in silly hat with PRFCT! t-shirtAs philosopher Edward Feser has pointed out, some atheists are simply not intellectually serious. They may be very ignorant or uneducated, directly dishonest, deeply confused, ill-informed, willfully obtuse, ideologically dogmatic, or just plain stupid; the end result is the same: it is not possible or fruitful to have a serious, rational discussion about God with such people. Here are some red flags which will alert you that you are dealing with an intellectually dishonest or defective atheist:

Read more at Eve Keneinan’s blog

Sy Garte – Biochemist Escapes Atheism

Portrait of Sy GarteListen as Sy Garte, a professor of biochemistry and Max Kolbe discuss the journey that led Sy out of atheism.

Max opens the interview by asking Sy his childhood. Sy responds that he was raised in a very religious household, but the normal religion. Sy was a “red diaper baby”.  Born to  the son of atheists who actively promoted communism in the 1950s and 1960’s, his childhood experience is one of indifference to active hostility to religion.

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Taking Professor Stick to the Woodshed

A Deflating & Escaping Atheism hangout responds to Professor Stick, with a great video summarizing modern atheistic and scientism/materialist arguments.

The video begins with the usual intros and noting that Escaping Atheism is back after a 2 week hiatus. Max Kolbe discusses his serious technical issues, which required four trips to the repair shop.

Rob mentions that Mr. Spark, a regular commenter and fan, requested that Deflating Atheism and Max Kolbe take on a response video by Professor Stick. Professor Stick responded to a short video of Professor Alister McGrath, an atheist molecular bio-physicist who eventually became a Christian. Before watching clips of Professor Stick’s response video, Max Kolbe discusses Professor McGrath’s background in more detail. Rob and Max discuss the potential difficulties of the format and they begin the video.

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