Federal Politics

Majority of federal MPs shun new ethics standards

Corruption fighter Tony Fitzgerald, QC

Fewer than a quarter of federal politicians have agreed to commit to new ethical standards devised by legendary corruption fighter Tony Fitzgerald - and there is not a single Turnbull government MP among them.

Australia falls behind Cameroon, Burkina Faso on tax

The LNG plant at Gladstone in Queensland.

Australia is set to become the world's largest exporter of gas but its level of resource tax transparency falls behind Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Mongolia, a new global report has found, as the country forfeits billions of dollars in tax to multinational mining giants.

Labor could win bid to unseat minister: experts

Labor is challenging Assistant Health Minister David Gillespie's eligibility to sit in Parliament

The nation's most respected constitutional law experts won't dare predict how the High Court is likely to rule on Labor's high stakes challenge against a sitting Turnbull government minister but believe it has a chance of succeeding.