GCP Podcast


Weekly podcast all about the Google Cloud Platform! Also check out for more news. Hosted by and

Na Twitteri od: august 2015


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  1. pred 12 hodinami

    . and take over this week to discuss and the PAIR Guidebook to Human-Centered AI. pops in, and talks about her role in designing and building the guidebook intent on helping others create quality AI projects.

  2. 1. 5.

    On the podcast today we have a fascinating interview from our time at ! and went in-depth with Andrew Davidson about to find out what they do and how they do it.

  3. 24. 4.

    . and are here today to teach and about Professional Services Organization (PSO) . PSO is the “post sales” department, helping clients with security, data migration, AI, ML, and more.

  4. 17. 4.

    . is our Mark this week, joining new host in a recap of their favorite things at ! Our main story is - and Mark met up with Steren Giannini and Ryan Gregg to learn more about it.

  5. 12. 4.

    Welcome to day three of ! Our hosts talk , , Developer Relations, and more with some fun guests on the final day!

  6. 11. 4.

    The podcast celebrates day two of as our hosts speak with some more conference attendees. Hosts , , , and talk about , , , and with a pack of awesome guests!

  7. 11. 4.

    Have you come to see the house yet? Swing by, say hi, and grab some stickers!

  8. 10. 4.

    We're at Cloud Next this week! On day one, and new host speak with Jonathan Cham, Customer Engineer , about his experiences with Google Next. Ori of the team shares some exciting news as well.

  9. 8. 4.

    Are you going to be at this week? Come swing by the booth, say hi to the hosts! 😊 -- And maybe you could end up being on a podcast episode? 😊

  10. 3. 4.

    . is back with this week in an interview with of , a company. StackRox uses Kubernetes and containers to maximize security for customers across the container lifecycle.

  11. 27. 3.

    Today on the podcast, we speak with and of about new updates and achievements in . They begin by telling hosts and about Ian's first project at NVIDIA, .

  12. 20. 3.

    is behind us, but our guest today, , joins hosts and to teach us all about . Pi is the constant of the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.

  13. 13. 3.

    . is back with this week as we talk with and about HANA, a data and business application platform. is capable of handling large transactions very quickly and with great flexibility.

  14. Retweetol používateľ
    9. 3.

    On the latest , tells & about Python. Learn how it works with App Engine, Compute Engine, and Cloud Functions →

  15. Retweetol používateľ
    7. 3.

    I had a really hard time choosing which headshot we should use for the "hero card" on this episode, but I think I made the right choice. Right? Listen here:

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  16. 6. 3.

    . and spend today talking with . Python is popular for many types of applications and works great on Google Cloud, especially with App Engine, Compute Engine, and Cloud Functions.

  17. 27. 2.

    Node.js is our topic this week as and first-time host, , pick the brain of . Myles updates us on all of the new things happening with and .

  18. 20. 2.

    Today, and are learning about with our guest, . She talks about how Cloud SQL manages services for open source databases, and on the other database management services Google has to offer.

  19. 13. 2.

    Today, joins us to talk about the voice AI technology powering . is back on the host bench with as we learn how Voicea can improve productivity.

  20. 11. 2.

    Welp! Looks like the RSS feed from last week's episode didn't sync properly! Fix is in place, you should get it shortly!


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