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Lisa Law & Ray Belcher on A Joint Vintage Photography Show

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Meredith Davidson & Daniel Kosharek from the New Mexico History Museum

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Katie Roundtree talks about 100 Women Who Care Santa Fe

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36 Sakes in 36 Days:  Day 23

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Calling All Vets: February 7, 2017

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Business Matters: February 7, 2017

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Camilla Feibelman, Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter Director

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US Senator Martin Heinrich (D NM)

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Kamajou Tadfor & Dean Howell on Remembering Mandela @ SJCC

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Fred Nathan, Think New Mexico Executive Director

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36 Sakes in 36 Days:  Day 22 Izumo Fuji

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Green Building and Sustainable Development: February 6, 2017

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Del Esparza, President Esparza Advertising on Super Bowl Ads

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Mark Sundeen, Author of The Unsettlers - In search of The Good Life in Today’s America

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Eric Lucero & Maria Herrera, New Mexico Workforce Connections

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Simon Brackley, CEO & President of Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce

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The Ranch House Restaurant: A Smokin’ Hot Brand

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Taylor Gantt, President of St. Michael’s High School

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