Showing posts with label Ty Segall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ty Segall. Show all posts

Friday, September 21, 2012

Segall Eaters hate kids

Ty Segall and Seth Hutton of Useless Eaters 7" on Nashville's Dead records. Wowsers, man!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Ty Segall. Yeah!

If you are a complete turd, I would understand if you didn't recognize this name. Fine. I get it... there are folks on Earth who are so out of the loop that they'd recognize some random blogosphere rapper before knowing about Rock N' Roll.

Disappointed? Hell yeah, but it don't stop the mission.

If I could sum up Ty Segall in ten words:

Remember what Jack White did for you a while back?

Sure, he ain't got the same swagger... White was blues and Segall is surf, but shit... the snarl is there in a big way and since nobody has even come close to floating the S.S. Dirty Carl in a bit, Ty does it masterfully.

Do yourself a favor... after hearing this, go out and PURCHASE everything he's made. Jack is listening undoubtedly.

WEIRD MISPLACED TIP: Listen to more Belle and Sebastian. It's good for the mind, body, and soul.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Mikal Cronin and the Ty Segall Band - Violitionist Session
Click here to rid the world of the unromantic.

The Violitionist Sessions are 3 questions and 3 songs with bands from Denton and passing through Denton, Texas. The sessions are all recorded live in a living room with no overdubs and no fancy tricks. The goal is to document a moment in time.
This is what happened in Denton, Texas.

The tracks are:
Get along
Am I wrong?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday, February 28, 2011

Brilliant... Colors
Click here for ladybug pecks.

It's the day after the Academy Awards and I'm tired. I worked security for the event and the whole day was full of self important bung holes who never cease to amaze you with their inflated sense of self. Oh, you are the assistant to Justin Timberlake? So? Ah, you do Suzanne Summers make up... I'm sorry for you for having such a shit job.

Anyway, the first thing I did when I woke up this morning was put this on and feel better about the world.

PS. This 7 inch was recorded by Ty Segall in San Francisco.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Videos of the week!

Billy Fury - I think you're swell

Ty Segall - I'm so alone

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

This is Sic.

Click here for the sausage drink.

Thank God San Francisco exists because, like Memphis, I'd be fucked for awesome bands without it. Thank you Earth for not exploding.

... and this is yet another band Ty Segall is involved with. I barely have the drive to put mayo on a ham sandwich. Damn...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Epsilons

Click here or get the gas face

If Ty segall were a girl, he'd be the hottest new model to grace the magazine covers. Since this is rock n' roll... he just puts out a lot of real cool records and probably bangs models.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ty Segall & Thee Oh Sees split 7"

Click here to bring a panda food

When I first heard Ty Segall I was immediately hooked on his tunes. I listened to "Don't do it" off of his self titled album and caught a chilly ass wave that totally reminded me of Jack White when he was at his best; singing "Let's shake hands" which by the way is my favorite song ever!

This kid has got it down and he has no shame in showing off what he knows. I've purchased all of his other stuff and so should you. Do not delay either. It's called a record store. After pushing their door open, you can enter and actually purchase these strange plastic discs and use them to get sound in your home. I know! Crazy!

The other band on this 7 inch is called Thee Oh Sees. Absolutely great shit here, man. For this record they've swapped material and both sides are liable to make you cut a rug all night. Don't worry... there's gonna be chicks there.

Ty Segall - Maria Stacks (Thee Oh Sees cover)
Thee Oh Sees - The Drag ( Ty Segall cover)