Showing posts with label Ditty Bops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ditty Bops. Show all posts

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Ditty Bops.
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I came to know about this band one night when I went to see Blanche perform at Spaceland or one of those LA venues I barely ever make it to. Oddly enough, Blanche, who I think are one of the greatest bands alive, were the opening act. No complaints here. I got to see them early.

After a forty or so minute set, Blanche packed up their gear and cleared the stage for the Ditty Bops. Fifteen minutes later the band began making their way up to the stage and began setting up.

They were cool and their music had a real old timey feel. I ended up walking out with their album.

The weirdest thing about that night is pretty much as soon as Blanche packed the last of their things, the room emptied out substantially and suddenly, the room became predominantly filled with a lot of girls. A. lot. of. ladies.

No more than four other guys in the whole place.

Random fact: These two are married.