Showing posts with label Black Keys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Keys. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dan Auerbach appreciation night.

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Here is an album that I feel went without much noteriety, even though it was created by one of the best guitarists to ever walk the Earth. Dan Auerbach, the "everything but the drums" half of the duo otherwise known as the Black Keys.

Included are the trademark sick riffs and everything else that make the Black Keys such a recognizable sound, but on this solo outing, there is something going on that is entirely different.

It's a fine record, but I can't help but long for the days when this guy released songs like "Busted." Easily that's one of the nastiest bar fightin' songs ever laid to wax.

Be good kids... and don't forget to buy a copy of this should you spot it on vinyl. It's important to own physical copies of records from the musicians you like.

It also features Jessica Lea Mayfield. She's dope.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Black Keys are good!
Click here to stop kissing your cousin.

My wife and I had the immense pleasure of watching Pat Carney and Dan Auerbach tear up a very small stage in Los Angeles once. After they played, like a goon I went up to them and had them sign my copy of Magic Potion. They were cool about it. They were also cool about the fact that in such a great big city, the turnout for their performance was definitely less than stellar. They gave 100%

Anyway, once we got home the first thing I did was grab my guitar, plug in my amp, place the knob on volume ten with the drive meter cranked up all the way and.....

...completely sucked in comparison to the guitar mastery of Mr. Auerbach. There isn't a modern guitarist I know of besides Jack White or a drunken Ben Wolcott that possess such shredding skills.

Download this album. It's called Chulahoma. It's a history lesson in awesomism!

Attention fellow music nerds: It's officially debate time...who is the greatest modern guitarist in your humble opinions?