Motion to evolve Community Employment Schemes

Today I penned a motion to improve the working of Community Employment Schemes. Please see the motion to support Community Employment Schemes here.

The motion aims to ensure the social element of CE Schemes, review the impact Jobpath is having on CE Schemes, allow more employees to stay on the their scheme, and to review the participation limits of older people on the scheme. Continue Reading →

Planning and Development (Rapid Broadband) Bill 2017 Introduced at First Stage

I was delighted to introduce my first Bill today. You can read a full copy of the Bill here.

The Planning and Development (Rapid Broadband) Bill 2017 is aimed at improving the rollout of high speed broadband services across Ireland. The overall goal of this Bill is to make it quicker and easier for providers to roll out broadband services. Ireland has a poor track record in this area in recent years, as is demonstrated by the ongoing problems with the National Broadband Plan. Continue Reading →

Straffan National School Needs Additional Classes, Minister Must Act

straffan_village_signI have called on the Minister for Education to secure approval for four extra classrooms in Straffan National School. The school currently has the demand for the places and having met with parents I understand just how urgently this additional space is needed. Continue Reading →

Commitment from Taoiseach in his first Leaders Questions

I have called on the Taoiseach, in his first Dáil debate since being elected to the role,  to urge his Government officials to utilise digital technologies when answering queries. The programme for Government includes a commitment to improve the flow of information from Departments to Deputies. Continue Reading →

Calling for Local Government Reform

Recently my colleague Shane Cassells TD brought a Bill into the Dáil which would allow Town Counicls to make a return. The benefits to the local community is one key incentive to having town councils and their merits considered once again. You can read my full contribution to the debate here.

There was no public consultation on the abolition of town councils when Fine Gael abolished them with the stroke of a pen despite many objectors. Continue Reading →