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Archive for March, 2008

“cesó todo, y dejéme,
dejando mi cuidado
entre las azucenas olvidado.
(all things ceased; I went out from myself,
leaving my cares
forgotten among the lilies.)
It’s just gone midnight and I’m flicking channels. I stop on a clip show called Yo estuve allí (I was there), and in less than five minutes it covers the crowning of King Carlos, […]

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Not That Kind of Harem?

As Dermod Moore mentioned in his post today, the Sunday Business Post has a report saying that Neasa Ní Chianán had planned her film of O’ Searcaigh 5 years ago. A commenter to the site linked to the Vinegar Hill proposal on the FoK website:
For the 10th consecutive year, Cathal O’ Searcaigh, the gay, […]

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I just came across this enjoyable little Irish movie - all 2 minutes and 51 seconds of it. I know absolutely nothing about the makers of it, except the following from the youtube site itself:
The Red Balloon - a film by Lauren Brownen, Claire Butler and Conor O’Kelly. The story of a girl and […]

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[ Cathal Ó Searcaigh c. Book Cover ]
Cathal Ó Searcaigh has given his first interview since the screening of the ‘Fairytale of Kathmandu’ film to Radio na Gaeltachta’s Barrscéalta programme. The interview is about an hour long and is available on Barrscéalta’s page on RnaG’s site here :
Barrscéalta Page, RnaG
Thanks to the […]

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The Fall played in the Tripod in Dublin back on the 16th of March, but I haven’t had a chance to give my impressions of it until now. Perhaps the reason for delaying is because I knew that plenty of Irish Fall fans would get there first, but they’d probably be able to post pictures, […]

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One week after Grainne Carruth´s devastating testimony to the Mahon Tribunal - testimony which has left the Taoiseach’s defense of his financial “irregularities” in tatters - not one senior cabinet minister has come out publicly to support him.
This is what Minister for Education, Mary Hanafin, had to say on the matter yesterday:

I’m only dealing […]

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Remember Friday March 14 2008: it was the day the dream of global free- market capitalism died. For three decades we have moved towards market-driven financial systems. By its decision to rescue Bear Stearns, the Federal Reserve, the institution responsible for monetary policy in the US, chief protagonist of free-market capitalism, declared this era over. […]

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[ A lab rat, not necessarily Larry c. from dpchallenge.com ]
For once, I thought that a small oasis of greenery had appeared in the cultural desert of the Dublin North East constituency in which I spent most of my childhood and early adult years. I read that the Cluain Tarbh branch of Comhaltas […]

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The Irish Independent revealed today that the Taoiseach will tell the Mahon tribunal that he converted his salary cheques into sterling, and then back into punts, before lodging them into the three accounts he kept at the Permanent TSB branch in Drumcondra. This is in response to Grainne Carruth’s devastating evidence to the Mahon […]

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An Taoiseach Bertie Ahern responded to his critics in devastating fashion today, by issuing an Easter Road safety message.
In Yesterday’s Tribunal proceedings the former secretary of the Taoiseach, Grainne Carruth, admitted under cross-examination that between 1993 and 1995 she deposited £15,500 of sterling into Bertie’s building society account. The Taoiseach had previously told the tribunal […]

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