Easy to set up. Easy to run. Security built in.

Move your business forward with Google Cloud Platform


We help keep your business safe and secure

Purpose-built security

A layered, end-to-end security model built from the ground up

Privacy & Compliance

Comprehensive third-party audits. ISO, PCI & HIPAA compliant.

Learn why these customers are using Google Cloud Platform

From the way we listen to how we learn and connect, the world’s most innovative companies are building on GCP.

Pocket Gems uses App Engine to scale to hundreds of thousands of mobile gamers in real-time.

Khan Academy uses GCP to make a world-class education free for the entire world.

See how Coca-Cola’s using GCP to scale up for the world’s biggest sporting events.

Atomic Fiction renders special effects for the world's biggest movies and TV shows–using the massive computing power of GCP.

In minutes you might have hundreds of thousands of players playing your game. Google Cloud Platform allows us to scale automatically — we don't even have to think about it.

— Gustavo Ambrozio, Lead Software Engineer, Pocket Gems

Why Google Cloud Platform is Different

A global fiber network, connecting you to the world. Analytics that crunch petabytes in minutes.

No-ops services that just scale. Here’s a taste of what’s next, available now.

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Serverless Apps

App Engine lets you build, run, and scale applications without breaking a sweat.

Custom Machine Types

Compute Engine, tailored to your needs and budget - by you.

Containers Made Easy

Container Engine - the fastest way to implement Kubernetes.

Process Terabytes in Minutes

BigQuery: Load, SELECT, and go. No cluster required.

Batch, Stream, or Both

Cloud Dataflow delivers high-scale data processing through an Open Source API.

Managed Deep Learning

Cloud Machine Learning lets your app interpret images, text, and more.

Manage Multiple Clouds

StackDriver lets you manage both Cloud Platform and AWS workloads from a single pane of glass.

Worldwide Autoscaling

Cloud Load Balancing scales from 0-1 million queries per second without pre-warming.

Pay Only For What You Use

Innovations, like per-minute billing and custom machines, ensure you never over-provision or over-pay.