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Google Cloud Platform Free Tier

Learn and build on GCP for free.
12 Months
$300 free credit to get started with any GCP product.
Always Free
Free usage limits on participating products for eligible customers, during and after the free trial. Offer is subject to change.
Always Free Products
Use these products for free up to the specified usage limits during and past the free trial. These usage limits do not expire, but are subject to change. Available for eligible customers. View details
Google App Engine
Platform for building scalable web applications and mobile backends.


Instance hours per day

5 GB

Cloud Storage

Google App Engine


28 instance hours per day

5 GB Cloud Storage

Shared memcache

1000 search operations per day, 10 MB search indexing

100 emails per day

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Google Cloud Datastore
Highly-scalable NoSQL database.

1 GB


Google Cloud Datastore


1 GB storage

50,000 reads, 20,000 writes, 20,000 deletes per day

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Google Compute Engine
Scalable, high-performance virtual machines.


f1-micro instance per month


GB-months HDD

Google Compute Engine


1 f1-micro instance per month (US regions only - Excluding Northern Virginia)

30 GB-months HDD, 5 GB-months snapshot

1 GB network egress from North America to all region destinations per month (excluding China and Australia)

Google Cloud Storage
Best in class performance, reliability, and pricing for all your storage needs.

5 GB-Months

Regional storage

Google Cloud Storage


5 GB-months of Regional Storage per month (US Regions Only - Excluding North Virginia)

5000 Class A Operations per month

50000 Class B Operations per month

1 GB network egress from North America to all region destinations per month (excluding China and Australia)

Google Cloud Pub/Sub
A global service for real-time and reliable messaging and streaming data.

10 GB

Messages per month

Google Cloud Pub/Sub


10 GB of messages per month

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Google Cloud Functions
A serverless environment to build and connect cloud services with code.

2 million

Invocations per month

Google Cloud Functions


2 million invocations per month (includes both background and HTTP invocations)

400,000 GB-seconds memory, 200,000 GHz-seconds of compute time

5 GB network egress per month

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Google Container Engine
One-click container orchestration via Kubernetes clusters, managed by Google.

Basic Cluster

Sized 5 nodes or fewer

Google Container Engine


Basic cluster of 5 nodes or fewer

The basic cluster is free but each node is charged at standard Compute Engine pricing

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Google Stackdriver
Monitoring, logging, and diagnostics for applications on Cloud Platform and AWS.

5 GB

Logs with 7 day retention

Google Stackdriver


5 GB of logs with 7 day retention

Read access API

Basic email alerting

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Google BigQuery
Fully managed, petabyte scale, analytics data warehouse.

1 TB

Queries per month

10 GB


Google BigQuery


1 TB of querying per month

10 GB of storage

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Google Cloud Vision API
Label detection, OCR, facial detection and more.


Units per month

Google Cloud Vision API


1,000 units per month

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Google Cloud Speech API
Speech to text transcription, the same that powers Google’s own products.


Minutes per month

Google Cloud Speech API


60 minutes per month

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Google Cloud Natural Language API
Derive insights from unstructured text using Google machine learning.


Units per month

Google Cloud Natural Language API


5,000 units per month

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Google Cloud Shell
Manage your infrastructure and applications from the command-line in any browser.


Access to Cloud Shell

5 GB

Persistent Disk

Google Cloud Shell


Free access to Cloud Shell, including 5 GB of persistent disk storage

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Google Cloud Container Builder
Fast, consistent, reliable container builds on Google Cloud Platform.


Build-minutes per day

Google Cloud Container Builder


120 build-minutes per day

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Google Cloud Source Repositories
Multiple private Git repositories hosted on Google Cloud Platform.

1 GB

Private hosting

Google Cloud Source Repositories


Private hosting of up to 1 GB of storage

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Cloud Launcher
Launch free production grade solutions.


f1-micro instance per month


GB-months HDD

Cloud Launcher


Explore, launch, and manage select ready-to-go solutions on Google Cloud Launcher for free up to specified usage limits

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Getting Started
Already signed up? Start building what’s next using Google Cloud Platform
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Pricing that’s as smart as our products
Looking past the free tier? Google’s technical infrastructure is built to let you do more with less. Our customer-friendly pricing is on average 60% less for many compute workloads compared to other cloud providers.
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