

  1. The End of Prehistory

    3-hour audio presentation of audio cartoons, views, visions, brainstorming discussions, and readings by members from and friends of For Ourselves: Council for Generalized Self-Management

    Four MP3 files of 40MB each:
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4


  1. All Done Dancin' Down the Road — Extinct

    by Benjamin Thurmon Gray. Self-published and freely-distributed to libraries and on campuses (1994).

  2. Forget Your Life, Contemplate Mine: From MayDay to PrayDay

    A two-page slap at the commonality of Leftist and Mystical self-sacrificial rites as exemplified by Rennie Davis and Maharaj Ji. Written between 1971-1974. This rendition distributed in December 2003.

  3. A Declaration of the Rights of Human Beings (PDF, HTML)

    by Raoul Vaneigem. A two-page listing of the 58 articles from the book A Declaration of the Rights of Human Beings — On the Sovereignty of Life as Surpassing the Rights of Man. Written in 2001; translated from French and published in 2003. This rendition distributed in November 2003.

  4. Crises by Nature: How Humanity Saved the Biosphere

    by Capitalist Crisis Studies. Critique of Capital's "desire" to justify characterological self-sacrifice via "science" paradoxical to that which it used to depose its theocratic predecessor.

    "The whole tenor of the ferment which has come to be be called the 'ecology movement' has accustomed many of us to think of ourselves as the scourge of the biosphere; virtual intruders in Nature, whose unwelcome visitation has contributed only disruption and destruction to an otherwise perfectly self-regulated natural harmony, and which visitation can do nothing else. The best we can hope for, we are told, is to minimize the damage by consuming less, and producing less — especially less of ourselves."

    1. The Tendency of the Rate of Photosynthesis To Fall
    2. The Necessity of Humanity
    3. The Decadence of the Biosphere
    4. The Crisis One — Previous
    5. The Laws of the Time Continuum (The Necessity of Evolution)
    6. The Dialectic of Nature
    7. The Ideoology of Science
    8. Ecologism and Pro-Decadence Ideologies

  5. Zero Growth Is Suicide: Technology, Ecology, and the Limits to Growth (html) (pdf)

    by Capitalist Crisis Studies. Critique of zero growth ideology (January 1978).

  6. The Myth of Ecological Equilibrium

    by Capitalist Crisis Studies. Formerly titled "Is 'Small' Really So 'Beautiful'?". Critique of zero growth ideology (April 1978; revised Jan 2006)

  7. Is 'Small' Really So 'Beautiful'?

    by Capitalist Crisis Studies. Critique of zero growth ideology (April 1978).

  8. The Totality Is Beautiful: Small Is A Decoy

    by Capitalist Crisis Studies — former member(s) of For Ourselves. Critique of Capital's decline, necessity for self-cannibalism, and the false consciousness & pseudo-resistance embraced by primitivists.

    1. The Contracting Social Product and Pro-Contraction Ideologies

      The Real Causes of the World Economic Crisis and of the Ideas Which Favor It

    2. The Delusion of Permanence

      The Inherent Impermanence of Nature (The Nature of Dialectical Continuum)

    3. Capital as a Technology

      Historical Specificity of Technology (The Stages of Social Evolution)
      Schumacher's "Marx" versus Marx

      Post-Capitalist Technologies: UNICOM, fusion power, unifacture

    4. Barbarism

      Schumacher's "Feudality"

      The Trilateral Commission Program for "Industrial Feudalism"

      The Actual Consequences of a Schumacher Austerity: Small is Suicide

    5. Spirituality

      Schumacher as Spiritual Imposter

    6. The Self-Planning Society

      Socialism versus "government-capitalism", "workers' capitalism", etc.

    7. A Program for Qualitative Growth

      The Transition to the Self-Planning Society

    Original in February 1977; Lust For Life release (w/graphics) in October 2003

  9. On Sexual Poverty

    by Point-Blank! From their journal "Point-Blank #1: Contributions Towards a Situationist Revolution (October 1972)

  10. Some Notes on the Reproduction of Human Capital

    by Robert Cooperstein (April 1974)

  11. Zero Growth Is Suicide: Technology, Ecology, and the Limits to Growth (html, pdf)

    by Capitalist Crisis Studies. Critique of zero growth ideology (January 1978).

  12. These Contemporers Have No Clue — Disposing of the Idiom of Idiots: An Expose of Those Having the Vaguist Idea of Spectacular and False Exposes of Capital (pdf, html)

    by Catalysis (with new title and additions by Lust for Life). Critique of Leftist inability to understand Capital. Originally published October 4,1974 as "Too Little Too Late: A Critique of the East Bay Socialist School"

  13. A Hacker Manifesto

    by McKenzie Wark. The evolution of reified abstraction: property, capital, information edited and adapted to HTML by Lust for Life in March 2005

  14. Maydaze: A Thesis on the Celebration of Alienation

    by members from For Ourselves. Critique of May Day holiday celebrations as "holy" daze celebation. Updated in April 2002 and April 2003 by Lust for Life

  15. Everyday Love: The Last Refuge and the Last Closet of Desire

    by members from For Ourselves. How love is used as an escape from creating a better world and as a haven from embracing a loveless world. Originally published in September 1976 with a title of "Can"t Buy Me Love — The Last Refuge of Desire". This Lust for Life edition (w/graphics) is from September 2003.

  16. Notes Toward a Theory of Revolutionary Organization

    by Feanor (1974)

  17. Negation of the Negation

    by members from Negation. Lust for Life edition has added graphics.

  18. Idealism and Materialism

    by Mikhail Bakunin. Taken from Part I (Section 2) of The Political Philosophy of Bakunin compiled and edited by G. P. Maximoff; published by The Free Press in 1953.

  19. We Demand New Sex Organs (rtf)

    from The Spectacle newspaper (East Lansing, Michigan USA)

  20. Preamble to For Ourselves

    by members from For Ourselves (April 1974)

  21. Loaded Words: A Guide to the Spectacle

    by friends of Negation and For Ourselves.

  22. Towards Communist Consciousness

    by members from For Ourselves

  23. Minimum Definition of Revolutionary Organizations

    by the S.I. (Situationist International)

  24. The Crisis of the Gross National Spectacle

    by Robert Cooperstein (associate of Bureau of Public Secrets).

  25. The Right To Be Greedy: Practical Theses on Demanding Everything

    by For Ourselves. Generalized self-management based on the social wealth of selves (original: August 16, 1974); this version (September 8, 2004).

  26. Arms and the Woman

    by Jeanne Charles. Translated in March 1975 by Ken Knabb of Bureau of Public Secrets). This rendition is a web reproduction of the graphics-enhanced printed version released by Lust for Life in December 1975.

  27. Phenomenology of the Subjective Aspect of Practical-Critical Activity — Chapter 1: On Behindism

    by Chris Shutes (former member of Point Blank!; associate of Bureau of Public Secrets). "After more than a decade of unconscious and semi-conscious theoretical struggles, the question of the production of theory itself has been clearly defined as a strategic problem facing the revolutionary movement.... Behindism, on the contrary, has the advantage not only of becoming a mass phenomenon, but also of being the simplest, most clear-cut characterological condition which presents itself as an obstacle to theory's production." Originally published December 1974; (r)epublished by Lust for Life in December 2002 (w/graphics).

  28. History Repeats

    by members from For Ourselves

  29. Ending the Game: Democracy, Dictatorship, and Communism

    by members from For Ourselves. Added graphics.

  30. Hard Times

    by members from For Ourselves

  31. Away with the Murder of the Body

    released by Wicked Messenger. For the original French, see the 2002 edition of the full 1973 text, made available online by Critical Secret entitled "Trois milliards de pervers, grande encyclopédes homosexualite" (1973). The unauthorized translation published in 1974-5 by Wicked Messenger

  32. Submission to and Maintenance of Suffering, Ignorance, and Imperialist Abuse: The Glorious Core and Legacy of Mohammedanism (pdf, html)

    by Colin Maine. The time for bowing-and-scraping is over. Humanity shall stand on its feet and the remnants of tyrannies like Islam and any ideologies that with spines of jello, condone its existence and the conditions that breed its socio-emotional plague into the human community. Away with the dictatorship of Allah! Originally released in 1979 with the title, "The Dead Hand of Islam".

  33. Siege of State

    by Point-Blank!. Released as part of their The San Francisco Project.

  34. Catalysis Contract

    by pre-members of Catalysis. Draft formal agreement amongst pre-members of Catalysis; a precursor to the Berkeley, CA USA For Ourselves group. Released by Lust for Life July 2006.

  35. Our Situation

    by Kathy Kundalini (31-January-2005)


  1. Too Real

    by Jay Kinney (1978). Normal Joe's world falls apart.... From Anarchy Comics #1

  2. Kultur Dokuments

    by Jay Kinney and Paul Mavrides (1979). An adventure with the Picto Family and Bizarro Politics. From Anarchy Comics #2


  1. Time Out

    by Lust for Life. A three-page critique of time.

  2. Past Lives Passing You By?

    by Lust for Life. A one-page critique of pseudo-Jungian, pseudo-Reichian, pseudo-Freudian,  past-life therapy. Meant to be distributed as a one-sided two-up 8.5"x11" color flyer.

  3. They Walk, They Talk, and Seek the Herd
    by Lust for Life. A one-page parody of march-based protests. Meant to be distributed as a one-sided two-up 8.5"x11" color flyer).
  4. Christmas Comes But Once Per Year?
    by Lust for Life. A one-page parody of the transition of the mystical into the rational. Meant to be distributed as a one-sided two-up 8.5"x11" color flyer.

  5. Don't Change Life — Change Leaders

    by Lust for Life. A two-page self-parody of the U.S. presidential election of 2004 — supposedly put out by The Support Someone Other Than Yourself Election Committee. The title was lifted from 1970s poster by Negation. Written 12-august-2004. This rendition distributed in Portland, OR USA on 13-august-2004 at both Kerry and Bush speech sites. Meant to be distributed as a two-sided 8.5"x11" color flyer).

  6. The Anteater's Umbrella (RTF, HTM)

    by the Chicago Surrealist Group.

  7. Against the Dictatorship of Allah

    by the Surrealist Group of Pakistan (in exile). Critique of the Islamic nightmare (1978).

  8. Situationist Liberation Front

    by members from various Berkeley Post-Sit groups. Parody of "Situ" groups existing in and near California USA during the 1970s

  9. The End of San Francisco, Or — How to Play with its Ruins

    by Point-Blank! Released as part of their The San Francisco Project

  10. Do You Ever Feel Like Killing Your Boss?

    by Point-Blank! Released as part of their The San Francisco Project

  11. Is There Life Before Death?

    by Point-Blank! Released as part of their The San Francisco Project (April 1974).

  12. Do You Ever Feel Like Stealing Everything?

    by Point-Blank!. Released as part of their The San Francisco Project


  1. Boredom

    by Lust for Life

  2. Exchange-value

    by Lust for Life

  3. Hierarchy

    by Lust for Life

  4. Human Capital

    by Lust for Life

  5. Protesting

    by Lust for Life

  6. Self-sacrifice

    by Lust for Life

  7. Spectre

    by Lust for Life

  8. Wage-labor

    by Lust for Life

  9. War or Peace

    by Lust for Life How choosing in the US-Iraq war shows 'no class' (consciousness)

  10. Working

    by Lust for Life