Incendiary Devices
Sparking Ignition Points of the Autonomous
Anarchist Revolutionary Movement, Point-Blank!, Perspectives, Collective Inventions, Alternate Routes. Collective Reinventions

Table of Contents

Editor's Note
Anarchist Revolutionary Movement
Collective Inventions
Alternate Routes
Collective Reinventions
Eremetic Infusions

Editor's Note

General notes
The following texts are availed as web renditions of historical documents pertaining to social expositions, interpretations, and interventions, as well as to intra- and inter- group self-management.

They are presented within a strict XHTML/CSS web page orientation for consistency, which wraps around their original printed or previously web-released form. The content has not been altered or lost via slack OCR conversions, as at so many sites. Pixel "dust" has been deleted and dropped-out ones have been replaced in PNGs. This was done at a 400% zoom-level with a pixel-eraser or pixel-pencil set at sizes from 1-4 pixels. New snapshots were done at a 400x400 pixel density. Sizes of a 8.5x11 document were saved in a "quad size" of 17x22 so that the clarity would be saved in its smaller viewing size.

In most cases, the renderings are usually of just three (3) types: PNG, PDF, HTML. The following are notes on the the types of renderings and the use of the rendering tools.

Rendering (display) notes
The rendered file(s), in variant ways depending upon your computer's operating system, may be clicked and then either menu-saved or "dragged" out of the rendering to your desktop or a folder, should you wish to download a copy. The PDF viewer offers a "download" button.

The copy on the web page is smaller than what you will download; presented by me as smaller than what its actual size is, the content is able to be expanded without clarity-loss, and, it renders in your computer screen's viewing window much more quickly. Smaller, it has less quality/clarity than what you is available for download.

After each text is a release date, possibly a brief description, and a list of 1-5 formats in which it is availed: PNG, PDF, HTML, RTF, JPEG/JPG, ASCII text.

Each format is a link to that displayable rendition of that document. PNG and PDF renditions are both downloadable. Each of these two renditions looks the same as the original. The PDF has document-included links left intact within it, while the PNG does not. However, the PDF is a huge file because it contains the entire font package internally, as well as the code to make a book-like walkthrough possible.

PNG notes
If the display is a sequence of 1+ PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format "snapshots" of the [full] text document, then use your operating system's "Save Image As..." keyboard/mouse command to download the larger version down to your system where it will be easier to read, because it can be displayed in a "full-screen" and/or because it has a higher pixel-resolution.

Since a PNG is just a [flat] snapshot of some [three-dimensional x-y-z coordinate space, with links acting as the dimensionally-leaping z-axis] flattened-down into a two-dimensional coordinate-based plane — (x=0, y=maxsize) through (x=maxsize, y=0) — its contents will neither change nor be accessible once taken except in terms of the maxsize x and y window points into which you squeeze it for displaying. To do that you use the window-sizing features and the scrollbars within that window. Thus, the size of the rendering will be sized within the display window.

Your monitor, system, operating system, and windowing system features and their color and pixel resolutions will determine that aspect of clarity.

The PNG can have no links within it, but can be set up AS A LINK itself so that being shown as a very small rendering might be clicked to reveal a larger full-screen rendering. I have not deployed this technique here. Another unused feature is using a small rendering as a link to some other location of that rendering in a larger form. I have not deployed that technique here either.

With a PNG viewing of a document, the continuous/contiguous "frames" (that is, page snapshots) will sequential flow from left-to-right and from top-to-bottom.

PDF notes
If the file is a PDF, use the Adobe Acrobat Reader (aka AcroReader) command buttons to enlarge, print, download, etc.

When you select PDF, you will only see a small (about 1-2" in height) viewer window UNTIL you hit the leftmost button on the righthand side of that small viewer window.

It switches you into Presentation Mode. That is a full-screen view. Hitting the [Escape], [esc], or [Esc] button puts you back into the tentative viewing display. It shows little at first so that the huge PDF is not fully loaded. When the person viewing decides that that is what they want, they get the view and the huge file.

PDF files look the same on every computer because they pull the full font and all sorts of formatting information along, so that the [Tab] is always the same size, the spacing is always the same, etc.

So, in assuming that you are speaking of the PDF tool's 'default' state, you need only hit the aforementioned button. The other buttons next to that four-arrowed button are (moving from left to right from the Presentation Mode button: Print, Download, Copy or New Window, Last page, Rotate.

The upper lefthand buttons are: Find (in document), Previous Page, Next Page, Zoom Out, Zoom In.

HTML notes
An HTML file is influenced by each computer's available fonts, its color scheme, its sizings, format settings, etc. and will look different on nearly every computer.

JPEG/JPG notes
A JPG does not have the "transparent background" feature built into both PNG and GIF, so, in general, I avoid its use.

GIF notes
A GIF does not have the pixel clarity built into both PNG and JPEG/JPG, so, in general, I avoid its use.

RTF notes
Historically, this was a low-feature "crossover" tool deployed to make jumping ship from competing word processor applications (PageMaker, FrameMaker, WordPerfect, etc.) over to Microsoft's Word. It has minimal formatting, however, backfiring on Microsoft, it is now a standardized format for general use.

ASCII text notes
Like text messaging, this is no frills at all. It is labor intensive to read, has no links, and has no links. Many applications call themselves ASCII text, but if any formatting exists, they lie since only ASCII character codes are used in ASCII text files. I use this for email since no viruses can be contained within the off-screen formatting code.

Technical Security notes
With the demographic spying of global colonization, the terrain of capital represented by Adobe's PDF readers "camp" invisible-to-you, the computer owner, their own files and folders on your computer system, so that like the so-called "free" Adobe Flash application, all use notifies them of what you are looking at with their "free" programs, from where, and on what other sites. It is the very definition of "spyware". I encourage use of PNGs, however, adequate anti-virus software reveals that PNG files can carry attacks on your privacy and computer as well. In short, this is all now the terrain of capital and tiptoeing around on crunchy leaves makes noise that gives away who you are or intend to become. If social networks are pimples on the ass of "society" camping itself on your ability to breathe, then most "free" software (short of GNU and Free Software Foundation) is or is written to be riddled with ways of invading your computer, your life, and the lives of all those mentioned on your computer. The WAN is the superhighway to the extractive fangs of capital: life in general and you in particular. I advise on downloading what you need and then staying out from between its gnashing jaws, learning to look into all eyes, to listen to inflection, to learn from body language, to cross-species communicate... it ain't here, baby. Here, there's only 0s (emptied 1s) and mutated 1s. Infinity is in-between [the] directly-living. So, only use encryption, downloads of cleansed files, and never leave your computer connected to their WAN when not using it, that is, sever the ability for spyware to send back data, and for spyware to "get off the train" at your computer stop.

Identity Security notes
Members names are not divulged unless that person so desires. Hence, all names references will be to a "former member of" a group. Preserving anonymity provides security for all of the groups' members, and respects everyone's future safety and ability to work. Pseudonyms/pen-names are, if used over and over, traceable.

It can also be added that signing as "anonymous" deflects slander, and the belligerent excuse to ignoring, dismissing, and censoring meritous works and views. A "name" is a target waiting to be activated by the 'political' (power extracting and mediating) dysfunctionaries of exchange-value, whose hosted colonization task is the inversion of theory into ideology. They inductively reduce by any means necessary. Constipation seeks company. Their "ends", a "culture" of shepharded flocks seeks "sheeple" and a cart of the beheaded whom they see as competition. Capitalized, they can only "achieve" monopoly over and annihilation of resistance to their monopoly. Avoiding their terrain defuses their theft and falsifications. It leaves them with only themselves, which hopefully sends them into a hyper-shrivel mode [cf. Bob Avakian, Guy Debord]. Their will to live, inverted, lives AS the lives of those they subjugate and subdue. Avoiding that "there can be only one" playless game, is ju-jitsu'd with use of anonymity. Let the blackholes suck each other into the oblivious nothingness they seek for us. Facilitating the alienation of and then accumulating other people's alienated self-powers, is a form of social capital accumulation based in exchange-value, perfected by the left. After all, that is what state-capitalists do.

We respect the mutualizing efforts of past associations, though maybe no longer in association. We will not sacrifice them then or now because we will not sacrifice ourselves then or now.

So, to the slimey agents of the realm crawling these pages, looking for "dirt" with which to smear in everyone's eyes: fuck off. That "dirt" has been mulched for emerging life projects. It is not going to be owned by you in order to waste that past and this regeneration.

We are here, there, and everywhere. So, you — as defaming foulnesses, as possessors only of your anti-souls — are hereby phantom-zoned. Your days of exchange-valuatiing dissent and dissolution are through. We own our past and you are vapid and done as an historical thief. Period.

The world has descended into the jaws of hierarchy, mediation, parasitism, psycho-dysfunctional "norms", and anti-ecosystem "convenience"... all since I started my of experiential life. Even so, certain individuals, groups of individuals, and forms of groupings have made the descent slow, and have even turned the "death tide" away from its weaponized ebb and flow. I dedicate these texts and the rest of the Lust-for-Life publication and web library work I have done for over 35 years to that dream for free lifeforms mutually aiding each other voluntarily, responsibly, responsively, and without mediation or ideological inverting.

The Unbecoming Things forum will soon have thoroughly-private and privately-social places to plan the return of and expansion of living to all. [Thugs, spectators, spies, predators, ad-hoc hierarchicalists, and workerists (career proletarianizers) will not be allowed at all.] We hope you choose to read, discuss/share, transcend, and implement.

Introduction to the Projects


Anarchist Revolutionary Movement




Collective Inventions

Alternate Routes

Collective Reinventions

Eremetic Infusions

The following are "solo" or associate-contributed texts:

Originally found at
Lust for Life

This rendition epublished on 23-July-2015 by
Lust for Life

In association with
Point of Departure