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Open Rights Group exists to preserve and promote your rights in the digital age. We are funded by over 3,000 people like you.


ORG policy update 2017 Week 27

This is ORG's Policy Update for the week beginning 03/07/2017. If you are reading this online, you can also subscribe to the email version.


Supporter Newsletter: July 2017

The Queen's Speech included several worrying things for digital rights which we'll be challenging over the next few months. Thank you for helping to inform our work and carrying out our campaigns to ensure that our digital rights are protected.


ORG Birmingham: De-Google-ify your life!

Join us for a workshop where we'll be offering free practical advice for replacing (or at least supplementing) Google services with independent services which do a better job of respecting your privacy and reduce your dependence on the internet giant.


ORG Cambridge: Digital rights meet up

Join us in our monthly meetup to discuss: the current state of digital rights, what we've done in the past month, and what we are planning to do in the upcoming months
