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The Retirement Racket: Official probe needed into retirement village industry

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The ageing of Australia's population means the retirement village industry is expanding rapidly. The proportion of the population aged 65 and above has risen from less than 10 per cent 50 years ago to about 15per cent today and is forecast to surge to 25 per cent by 2042.

Ethical management of the sector is fundamentally important to the wellbeing of millions of citizens, many of them vulnerable because of deteriorating health. By 2042, the number of people 65 and above will have grown to 6.2 million from 2.5 million 15 years ago.

A six-month joint investigation by Fairfax Media and the ABC's Four Corners into one of the biggest companies in the sector, ASX-listed Aveo, should spark concerns across the nation. Led by Fairfax journalists Adele Ferguson and Sarah Danckert and ABC producer Klaus Toft, the investigation reveals the highly profitable Aveo is exploiting its residents through rapacious fees and other unfair policies, including voluminous and convoluted contracts. In a booming real estate market, residents have been losing tens of thousands of dollars on their properties.

The company's shareholders are clearly unimpressed; the shares fell by more than 10 per cent on Monday as investors dumped the stock amid concerns about the blow to Aveo's reputation and credibility.

We believe corporate and government authorities should react, too. The industry was recently significantly deregulated, allowing people to direct to service providers like Aveo the government funding they receive for low-care assistance. There should be an official review of the sector's corporate governance standards, which are overseen by under-resourced state-based consumer affairs watchdogs. We believe calls by residents and consumer groups for the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to intervene have great merit.

Retirement village operators collect an exit fee when a resident dies or leaves. This fee is unique to the industry. Aveo has 89 retirement villages around the nation, housing more than 13,000 retirees. It makes most of its profit from exit fees, which can be as high as 40 per cent of the property's value. It also makes big profits from churning residents out of their villages.

Aveo declined to be interviewed, but released a statement saying it is "committed to enhancing the lives of older Australians by improving living choices", and that it rates very highly on resident satisfaction surveys. It claims its exit terms are more favourable than those of "almost any other operator". That suggests dubious behaviour across the sector. The Fairfax/ABC investigation indicates residents are being harmed, financially and psychologically. That must be stopped.

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