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Against genuine fanaticism, conventional diplomacy is useless

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Domestic and global politics are ordinarily two discrete spheres. But thanks to an astonishing piece of synchronicity – rarer than a supermoon lunar eclipse – the central question occupying world leaders in Hamburg this weekend is exactly the same as the one furrowing Malcolm Turnbull's brow domestically, viz: What can you possibly do about a maniacal adversary who is determined to blow you up, and doesn't appear to have any natural limits on how far he's prepared to go?

On one front, Turnbull is grappling with the trigger-happy leader of a hermit kingdom cut off from most accepted versions of reality, constructing its own wildly revisionist account of history and operating in its own time zone with very limited access to modern technology.

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PM's G20 priorities

Malcolm Turnbull hopes the North Korean missile launch doesn't stop other issues being discussed between world leaders.

And on the other, of course, there's North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. World leaders touching down in Hamburg on Friday for the meeting of the G20 – in the shadow of Kim's worrying launch of a long-range intercontinental ballistic missile earlier in the week - were understandably ginger.

For the host, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the gathering is an Olympic-class modern pentathlon in the art of being hospitable to a bunch of blokes who have variously called her a weakling and a terrorist-harbourer, refused to shake her hand or are busily cyberhacking her approaching federal election.

For the leader of the free world, Donald Trump, the ground at Hamburg's G20 is pre-strewn with reminders of his past foreign policy adventures (his previous rudeness to his hostess, his wild campaign threats against the Chinese on whom he now depends for help with North Korea; hell, even the toddler son of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Hadrien, who arrived by plane with his Dad on Friday, is a reminder of Mr Trump's taste in extreme bricks-and-mortar solutions to ticklish diplomatic problems).

It's an ancestral homecoming of sorts. Trump's grandfather Friedrich, a Bavarian native, emigrated to the US in 1885 and was subsequently commanded by royal decree never to return, on account of having dodged his national service.


This emotional link to die Vaterland keeps hope alive, among the sentimentally inclined, that Trump will fulfil the destiny of his office by announcing at some point "Ich bin ein Hamburger".

But on the question of North Korea itself, Trump is – like Malcolm Turnbull with his domestic tormentor – horribly becalmed.

He has declared himself unwilling to commit the error of his predecessor Barack Obama by "drawing red lines" and failing to enforce them.

What does the orange line look like, though? It's hard to say, beyond the President's personal guarantee that it will involve "some pretty severe things".

And this is the problem.

How do you punish an adversary with nothing to lose?

How do you defeat a guy whose principal craving is for attention and significance, when the very act of taking a swing gives him what he wants?

Threatening hazily non-specific consequences is one tack.

Getting someone else to do the swinging is another (in the tussle with North Korea, this tactic is known as "Waiting for China to do Something". Domestically, it's "get Josh Frydenberg to have a lash").

Or, you can try the silent treatment.

Malcolm Turnbull employed it during an interview on Wednesday with the ABC's Matt Wordsworth.

Wordsworth: Finally, I wanted to ask you about Tony Abbott. He spoke at a Liberal branch meeting, audio has been leaked to Fairfax. Mr Abbott described your budget as "second best" and "a party that has to do what's second best because the Senate made us do it, is a party which needs some help". Is Tony Abbott being helpful?

Turnbull: Well I'm not going to comment on the gentleman you describe, you've referred to, but let me just say this about the budget: The budget was a great success.

Wordsworth: Will Tony Abbott ever feature in a Turnbull cabinet?

Turnbull: Look again, I know you're interested in the gentleman you describe, but I'm not.

Wordsworth: You keep using that phrase … you don't want to say his name?

Turnbull: No, no, no listen, look, please….

It's difficult to watch a grown man going through this sort of ordeal.

Drawn like a tapeworm to a saucer of milk by Turnbull's batlike squeaks of distress, Kevin Rudd – the last person to have laid siege to a serving prime minister in this way – rematerialised on Australian airwaves midweek, ostensibly to discuss the international crisis.

After a few minutes of Rudd's familiar looping syntax on the subject of intercontinental ballistic missiles ("Well, firstly… and secondly… and thirdly… and in view of these factors…"), even the most determined listener could not help but consider – even fleetingly – whether being hit by one would be all that bad.

It was a stark historical reminder.

Against genuine fanaticism, conventional diplomacy is useless.

Note to readers: This is my last column for the time being. Thank you for your support and good humour for the past five years. Keep buying papers! With thanks, Annabel Crabb.