Orgasms II

(No- seriously :p)

I just returned from a 4-day engagement in Paris, and noticed a few responses to my Orgasms post. So to put all at ease, I will tell the story of another client. Only this is one I adore, but do not lust after. I often fantasize about Bob during private moments of self-indulgence, but in all honesty, he’s probably the only client who enters my private boudoir. Well… actually, there is Paul, but I’ll save him for another time.

The weekend after I met Bob I was summoned to meet another lovely client of mine. I will call him Bruce. Bruce is a business tycoon (finance) of about 60, and while he’s no looker, he’s as sweet as pie. He’s a southern gentleman with all the charm that goes with the territory (and all the old-boy notions of gender relations; luckily I benefit from being able to fit into his little cubby-hole of how a “lady oughta be”).

On the evening he requested my company, I happened to be at a three-day sex party with my husband and two of our lifestyle couples friends we usually join for such fun. I was able to make some excuses about being needed for a project proposal dinner (they think I am in advertising), and they promised to make sure my beloved didn’t get lonely.

Bruce usually takes me out to dinner at my favorite restaurant in town which only has a tasting menu and requires jackets for men. I enjoy dining there because it is one of the only places at which I can wear some of the beautiful cocktail dresses I have collected over time, and at which I can order a delicious white burgundy by the glass. But this particular evening, Bruce had something else in mind.

When I arrived at the hotel, I met him in the lounge for a quick glass of champagne before he absconded with me to his suite. He pointed to an envelope on the coffee table and told me he included enough for an overnight engagement, but that it was up to me how long I decided to stay. He mentioned that he had friends in town who were expecting to dine with him that evening, and that he would likely not be able to spend all night with me. Then he presented me with the gift of a book- Bruce always gets me books he knows I would love to read because he pays attention when I speak-and this time was no exception.

Bruce had a bottle of champagne chilling in an ice bucket on the dining table, and next to it was a plate of chocolate-covered strawberries- he loves to feed them to me. At this hotel, they are extra large and the chocolate is rich, so they are very filling. After feeding each other a strawberry or two, I began undressing him, beginning with his tie and ending with his socks. Bruce took me by the hand and led me into the bedroom, each of us with champagne in hand, and there he succeeded in undressing me. I kneeled down in front of him between his legs and paid homage to his erectness with champagne in my mouth. (I have found that gentlemen seem to enjoy the tingly sensation this brings.) After a few such sips of champagne, Bruce beckoned me up onto the bed with him and told me he had other plans for me this time: that I was to be the object of all of his attention that evening. Bruce just loves to pleasure women orally, and I dare say he is excellent. He certainly has enough practice to make him adept.

He lay me on the bed in front of him, and with a bit of champagne on his own tongue, commenced 3 hours of pleasuring me, only coming up for air long enough to have a sip of champagne or iced water every so often. We tried counting my orgasms- he likes to keep track- but we both ended up losing count. I can tell you this, though: in my 7 years of professional companionship, I have never had so many consecutive orgasms! Not once after my initial champagne licks did he allow me to attend to his pleasure. I must have come over a hundred times. For most of the three hours, I was in an orgasm-induced trance, and for the last hour- our 4th- I lay there trying to get my land-legs back as we caressed each other and caught up on each other’s lives. At the end of the 4th hour, Bruce received a phone call summoning him to dinner, so we both showered, dressed, and kissed goodbye.

When I counted the money in the envelope the next day, Bruce had placed an extra 1K in it for me. I’d been compensated extremely well for simply lying there and accepting his pleasuring me. Not a bad day on the job, eh?

When I returned to my husband and our friends, needless to say, I had very little energy left. But I was quite pleased to have three nice cocks at my disposal: all of those orgasms left me wanting one inside of me! I was also pleased to focus my attention on the two ladies, giving them some of the loving, orgasmic energy I’d received earlier that evening. And they were most assuredly pleased to be the recipients.


(Because this blog can’t be all work and no play! 😉 WARNING: Explicit language. Please do not read if you are offended by such matter or are under 18. And this is not meant to be literary perfection- it is simply my reflection on a perfect afternoon.)

So I recently flew to California at the request of one of my favorite clients. He’d suddenly had a day open and all to himself, and he suggested I join him in the country for an afternoon of decadence. He’d reserved a room for the day at a resort in an idyllic location with a breath-taking view of rolling hills covered with oak trees. He said he had a special treat to share with me- someone he promised I’d like.

My client- we’ll call him Bob- is seriously one of the two best lovers I have ever had. Every time I leave his bed, I ponder the fact that I’ve just been paid to have some of the best sex of my life. He’s passionate, incredibly fit, and the perfect combination of animal and man. He is as interested in my pleasure as he is in his own- actually, my pleasure is his own. And of course, vice-versa. His kisses are like butter…his touch  electric, arousing, and adept. And he adores women- every inch of them.

So I arrived for our lunch date in a very feminine sundress at noon on a glorious sunny California summer day, and Bob had just said goodbye to the room service waiter. I always catch my breath when I first see him: at once my body remembers his touch and reacts with a delicate ache in my groin followed by the swelling of my vaginal lips and an involuntary surge of moisture. He smiled his beautful smile, took me in his arms, and encouraged yet more moisture with his deep and hungry kisses. I could have had him right then and there, but I didn’t want to be greedy, as I knew another guest would shortly arrive.

Our lunch was spread out on a table on the deck overlooking the hills: wine, cheese, crackers, fruit, caviar, smoked salmon, bread, olives, nuts… all foods that could be eaten from each other’s fingers. He poured me a glass of chardonnay, and we toasted the beginning of a wonderful adventure. At about that moment, the doorbell rang, and he opened the door to a gorgeous brunette- the special treat he’d promised. This would indeed be a fun afternoon.

The brunette (we’ll call her Danielle) was another companion I’d wanted to meet for some time, and during lunch we got to know more about each other. She was just delightful, and with every sip of wine and bite of cheese, the sexual tension grew. She was waif-like and willowy, with long legs and a tiny little waist, and mesmerizing blue-green eyes. I very much looked forward to kissing her. I watched her lips intently as she told me more about herself.

I wasn’t wearing panties, and my moisture increased. I decided to initiate the physical interplay by pushing Bob back on the chase lounge and unbuttoning his shirt. Danielle was quick to join me and together we had him nude in seconds. We then began undressing each other- sensuously, slowly, deliberately- purely for his benefit. She and I finally kissed. She was delicious. We engaged in a three-way kiss with Bob, and made our way to the shower built for at least two people…probably more.

As the afternoon progressed, I lost count of all of my orgasms. I kept coming and coming- with his tongue, her tongue, her fingers, his fingers and tongue together, his cock, his thigh, his cock, his cock- and multiples- so many multiples. Does each orgasm in a multiple count as a separate orgasm? She came too; both Bob and I had the pleasure of eliciting moans of delight from her. When Bob finally came, it was inside of me, and I felt each throb as his cock explosively released his pent-up desire. I came again.

We lay there- a spent, sweaty threesome- caressing each other and enjoying the afterglow of a perfect romp. More stories, more wine… and we ordered room service again because we’d worked up a hunger. Food is always a perfect accompaniment to sex.

In the end, we’d had each other on the bed, on the deck, in the shower, in the bath, and Bob came at least 4 times, Danielle several more than that, and I’d lost count at 30 something. We ended our afternoon tryst in the early evening by bathing in an oversized tub by candlelight. More stories, more sharing, more caresses, more kisses, exquisite after-glow.

Seven hours after our first kiss that day, Bob dressed, collected his belongings, and gently kissed both Danielle and me on the lips as he made his way to the door. He promised we’d do this again, and that he might invite another lady to join us next time. We suggested he invite two more.

Danielle and I stayed on in the hotel room, enjoying each other’s (physical and intellectual) company about an hour longer, and finally she also had to take leave of me.

I wasn’t due to fly out until the next day, so I spent the evening lost in the memories of an unbelievably decadent afternoon. Bob is sexual perfection, and I still can’t believe I am paid for the pleasure of his company.

Should Police Ignore High-End Prostitution?

Stacey Swimme quoted in:

Should Police Ignore High-End Prostitution?

May 07, 2007 3:00 PM

Justin Rood Reports:

Should_police_i_mn As the D.C. Madam scandal continues to unfold, some are calling for an end to prosecutions of discreet, higher-end prostitution operations — the very kind alleged by federal prosecutors in the case of Deborah Jeane Palfrey.

“We should have nonenforcement against ‘indoor’ prostitution,” said Ron Weitzer, a professor of sociology at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and an expert on criminology and the sex industry. Weitzer defined the term “indoor” prostitution as including escort services, “massage parlors” and independent operators, as long as the women involved are not victims of human trafficking.

Palfrey maintains she did not run a prostitution ring but a legal “sexual fantasy service,” in which she charged $300 for women to spend 90 minutes with male clients, to whom they provided “sexual and erotic services across the spectrum of adult sexual behavior” but which did not include oral sex or intercourse.

In Weitzer’s view, such operators work in hotel rooms, private homes or on the premises of their own business and do not generate the community issues that arise from prostitutes who walk streets looking for business. And the women, he says, are much less likely to be victims of violence or exploitation.

Weitzer acknowledges his is “not the most popular” view, although he believes it has been quietly embraced by law enforcement officials around the United States. According to Weitzer, some police departments currently prosecute prostitutes and johns involved in street prostitution but ignore discreet “indoor” services despite laws banning their operation.  But Weitzer said the departments will not publicize their policies, fearing it might attract more of such businesses as well as spark a public outcry.

Click Here for Full Blotter Coverage.

Other experts disagree with Weitzer. Melissa Farley of the anti-prostitution group Prostitution Research & Education believes that men caught soliciting prostitutes should be subject to harsher penalties, and that prostitution itself should be a felony offense. 

“Prostitution is not a victimless crime,” Farley told ABC News.  Even discreet “professional” outfits are dangerous and harmful to the women who they employ, according to her.

“Escort prostitution is really cell phone prostitution…if prostitution takes place in an expensive hotel or an expensive home, people think it is vastly different from prostitution that takes place in the back seat of a car. In fact, for the person who’s in prostitution, it’s pretty much the same,” she said.

Farley said that regardless of venue, prostitutes are subject to psychological exploitation, sexual harassment, verbal abuse and the possibility of rape and extreme violence.

Others say Weitzer’s proposal doesn’t go far enough. “The act of exchanging sex for money, that should not be illegal,” said Stacey Swimme of the California-based Sex Workers’ Outreach Project, which advocates for the legalization of prostitution.

Other laws, including those against pedophilia and human trafficking, can protect women, children and the public, Swimme argues, without making prostitution itself a crime.

Once prostitution is legalized, her group reasons, sex workers can finally obtain the occupational health and safety rights that other employees have.

Statistics show, that regardless of current laws and enforcement policies, buying sex is still popular: nearly 13 percent of American men say they have exchanged money for sex at some point in their adult lives, according to a 2004 survey.  By comparison, 1.2 percent of women answered yes to the question, according to the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, which conducted the study.

Dana Hughes contributed to this report.

No Piece of A$$…

There is an argument that often comes up on forums to which a variety of escorts contribute (review boards, community forums, etc.). The argument can come from escorts themselves or from clients. It is exactly as the title of this post reads: “No piece of ass is worth x.”

I often wonder why people have such a hard time believing that somebody can charge what we high-end escorts charge for our time and companionship. The truth is, people pay us. I don’t garner as much as some ladies do in this profession, but I do well for myself.

Having become somewhat jaded in this endeavor, I expect to see this argument from clients who can’t afford me. I also expect to see it from escorts who don’t believe we actually get what we charge. But it is interesting to see this argument from so-called feminists.

No- according to these people, our ability to garner the income we do is attributed to pimps. Of course we couldn’t be smart enough to charge x amount- only a pimp could get that for us. After all, we’re just whores, right? Perhaps. But this reasoning rests on the premise that pimps are smarter than we are.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, ladies. 😉

“But great cities are full of women who can earn their next meal by raising their skirts. It is the ones who keep you in thrall to more than their snatches who command the houses and the gowns to go with them. And for that they have to first love themselves.”

–Bucino, In the Company of the Courtesan

A day in the life

It’s a beautiful day. I wake up to the sun shining though my window and my husband standing by my side of the bed with a cup of tea. He brings me tea when he has time before rushing off to his job. “Good morning, beautiful!” he says, as he kisses me on the cheek. “I’ve brought you a cup of tea. I have to run, but I found your bag for this evening, and placed it by the door.” I kiss him goodbye, and wait the usual 10 minutes for his call. He always calls me once he’s left and is driving to work, just to tell me one more time how much he loves me.

This evening I will embark on a weekend with B. B is a regular client of mine, and I just adore him. He has prepaid for his date with me because he likes to be very organized, and I appreciate his fastidiousness. I will bring along the last pair of Jimmy Choos he sent me, because he likes to know that what he sends me fits, and will bring along the matching Coach bag he sent me two months ago. Luckily my husband found it- I had misplaced it after using it for a dinner date last week.

B is one of my favorite gentleman callers. He’s a high-powered lawyer and was formerly a college professor, so we have the most fascinating conversations. Our dates usually start at a fabulous restaurant at a local hotel, and continue at that hotel throughout the weekend. He plans massages and facials for both of us. He absolutely spoils me.

But B is only one of the many wonderful men I see in my work. And while none of my men are particularly famous, they are well-heeled enough to afford 10k weekends with me, along with gifts like Coach bags, Jimmy Choo shoes, and many, many other decadent gifts.

I am sure I would never out any of my wonderful men (I won’t see anyone who is not wonderful). But sadly I am also pretty sure none of them would come to my aid should the proverbial shit hit the fan. I don’t thnk I would expect them to.

So I continue to do what I can by participating in my local sex worker rights organizations, contributing both time and money. As it is, I do receive plenty of free legal advice, medical advice, and financial advice from my many delightful companions. So in their own way, they help as they can.

My husband is very supportive of me and what I love to do. We certainly don’t need the money, but professional companionship is such an important part of who I am that I couldn’t imagine giving it up. Not just yet.

I kiss my lovely B goodbye as my car arrives from valet, and he makes me promise to see him again when he is back in town next month. I assure him he will have priority over anyone else. He slips a little box in my hand as he walks away back into the hotel lobby. I don’t open it until I arrive home. It is a lovely silver bracelet from Tiffany’s. I will be sure to be wearing this the next time I see my B.

Posted by: fiammettab