Help me Get to DC! Final PUSH for community LOVE and support of Sex Worker Music and Art

So maybe it won’t be a marching band, perhaps it will just be a pianist. So far, it isn’t even enough to cover the trip for me to get to DC! I need you, supportive community member, ally, fellow sex worker to CONTRIBUTE TODAY!! There are big jars of lube cream, some of my art, a dildo, even a wide and slick BUTT PLUG that you could get as a premium! WOWO!


Johanna Elby saw my earlier post and contributed as a result of my efforts! Thank you UNIVERSE! thank you Bound not Gagged! And now it’s YOUR TURN TO MATCH Johanna’s $20 contrbution! I know there is someone else out there reading this today that can help…

Yesterday I did the WHORRIFIC lemonade stand for the first time. It was fun. It’s a lot of work to do a lemonade stand. I gave it the immigrant try! But I didn’t make as much as they do doing it…so DONATE using the link above!

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