By Henry Vinson, with Nick Bryant. An insider’s look into a nefarious governmental smear schemes.

Radio interview:  Opperman Report : Nick Bryant , Confessions of A DC Male Madam, Franklin Scandal  start @ 3:30

Blah, blah, blah. It doesn’t mean a thing, bunch of lies. You’ll NEVER stop PIMP-agents from spying on drugs, gangs, and FREE SEX CAMS. This FAKE news belongs on The Onion farcical news site and  
So where do we report transgressors of this new reform to?
Along with your rearranging deck chairs …be sure to create a militant-style power source that victims can report the abuse to and where the victim can receive immediate attention and assistance and without automatic retaliation. 
When my escort service was victimized by the spy pimps who wanted to sextort selective clients there was absolutely NO ONE to turn to for help, going to the FBI was like reporting the devil to the witch and they teamed up to retaliate on me, then after 8 yrs in prison the FISA court still refuses my redress and relief, FISA refers to my claims as “frivolous” and “fruitcake” just to save their own selves and their sick schemes.
Thank you


Posted: November 20, 2012 in Uncategorized

By Ralph Forbes

Nov. 20, 2012

The establishment media tells a tangled tale about the scandal that forced the resignation of David H. Petraeus as Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director.However, there are important details that shed new light on the matter compared to what the mainstream media has been reporting.

Many believe the scandal was a set-up designed to bring down the general precisely because he was a highly-placed figure standing in opposition to the push by Israel’s current rulers to engage the United States in a war against Iran.

Although previously a favorite of neoconservative supporters of Israel, Petraeus ended up on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ‘destroy’ list after the general testified before Congress on March 16, 2010, that U.S. interests and Israeli interests are not identical; Israel is a strategic burden, not an asset, to the United States; and Israeli policiesendanger the lives of our troops.

The reaction to the candid remarks by Petraeus provides a revealing list of his critics. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.)—a personal friend of Netanyahu and a leading supporter of Israel—was outraged. Foreign Policy, a magazine of the Foreign Policy Association, whined that Petraeus was “hardening” U.S. policy toward Israel. Abe Foxman,national director of the Anti-Defamation League, issued a statement condemning Petraeus.

The web that entangled Petraeus also features a similar cast of interconnected individuals and institutions. When Petraeus took command of the troops in Iraq, the Jebsen Center for Counter-Terrorism at Tufts University—an incubator for counter-terrorist strategies—was cooperating closely with pro-Israeli policy groups such as the Hudson Institute, theAmerican Israel Public Affairs Committee and the Project for the New American Century.

The “other woman” in the Petraeus affair—Paula Broadwell (née Kranz)—just happens to have been deputy director of Jebsen. A West Point graduate, Mrs. Broadwell—a specialist in ‘black ops’—had participated in a summer cadet exchange program in Israel and even lived in a kibbutz.

Notorious for his interest in younger women, Petraeus was a perfect target for a ‘honeypot’ operation. Broadwell insinuated herself into the general’s world by writing a bragging account of his extremely successful career.

The scandal—it seems—was supposed to be unveiled before the election, perhaps intended to prevent President Barack Obama’s reelection, but backstage maneuvering prevented that from happening. However, the result has been that high-level opposition in Washington to Israel’s agenda has certainly been crippled with Petraeus’s ouster.

Petraeus has been PIMPED OUT

Posted: November 17, 2012 in Uncategorized

Just like Prince Harry, Clinton, Spitzer, Weiner, etc… I imagine there are nakid video & photos of Petraeus, PIMPED OUT by the same people and for the same reason: ISRAEL.  Petraeus was knocked out because he claimed the stupid video caused the 4 Navy Seals deaths in Benghazi when in fact it was a strategic mission that killed them albeit by whom remains the question. Military brass has been PIMPED OUT since Bush Jr.’s crusade and it’s all about ISRAEL, christian neocon bible nazi’s and their Jewish ‘remnants’.  Until they are spotlighted and taken out they’re GOING TO CONTINUE, new victims via Sextortions such as Petraeus are a dime a dozen, only the names will change and continue to entertain the public with personal peccadilloes while their perverted wars rage on.

I did 8 yrs. in prison for refusing to abet this scheme with the FBI/CIA in Texas. FORCING hookers to have Sex for another nation is a clue of the moral compass.



Article excerpt: <<Harry, along with his large entourage, went down to the hotel bar and met a bunch of young women and invited them up to his VIP suite – to play billiards and poker.  But little did he know that three of the girls were professional poker players planted by the hotel. Once in the room, things got wild, with the group playing a game of strip pool that quickly escalated into full-on royal nudity.>>   Aug. 22, 2012   


Looks like payback time for Harry for wearing the nazi uniform with the swastika. The PIMPS did the same thing to Clinton when they made the picture famous showing his backside with Lewinski. … because Clinton turned his back on Israel. True fact!  Also a possible attempted ‘Sextortion’ gone bad … like maybe Prince Harry refused to pay $50 million so his nakid-ass was blasted in world media by Political PIMPS which usually involves FBI and/or CIA otherwise notice how the FBI are always m.i.a. in these cases! This took place at Steve Wynn’s ‘Encore’ Casino where another case of sextortion began, Crissy Mazzeo a waitress at Wynn Casino tried to sextort Nevada Governor Gibbons in 2006:

Political PIMPS. They have no shame to their game and they’re known world wide and in religious territories and is why the U.S. is referred to as the “Great Satan”. Pentagon Pimps as though they’re all virgins. It doesn’t get any more degrading than this, sub-human disgust on the Pimps part, demonic perversion to the nth degree.

Revelation 12:9 – 12:12 The great dragon was hurled down–that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. “Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you in great wrath, he is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.” <Tick-Tock the Nuclear Clock!  Benjamin Netanyahu is indeed involved in these Sextortions directly along with Rupert Murdoch and many other major ‘crusaders’> Pimp My Jesus. Pimp My War.


Hell Broke Loose


Posted: April 22, 2012 in Uncategorized
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“RUPERT MURDOCH SEXTORTIONS” documentary on PBS “Frontline”

xxxOperationWeating                        Live & past recordings:

Watch Rupert Murdoch empire being slow roasted by UK Parliament … while U.S. FBI Sex Predators protect him from investigation in the U.S. – as they Sextort Secret Service with hookers … and divert attn by media puffing the Trayvon Martin teen shooting case (listed below), playing the race card to save their own ass.

Petition:  Tell the FCC: Enforce the law. Revoke the broadcast licenses held by Rupert Murdoch’s media empire: