Drupal Planet Posts


When editing a web page and adding a link, what happens when the target URL changes? Your links breaks. To some extent you can use the Internal Links and Link Checker modules (see our earlier post, "Drupal link tools for improved editorial workflow and SEO"). Those are handy for external links especially. But what about linking to Drupal nodes? The ideal setup would be to use only internal links, e.g.


Some Drupal sites don't allow regular users to log in at all; they may only be used by administrators. In such cases it may be desirable to lock down access to the login and admin screens. This can be done using htaccess.

In this example let's assume the site is installed at /var/www/yoursite.com/public_html. First you need to create the .htpasswd file. You should not put it in public_html - it needs to be outside your web root. In this example we can put it at /var/www/yoursite/.htpasswd which keeps it in a logical, easy to find place. To create this file do the following:


Internal Links


Here's a handy module that takes care of those pesky node/123 style links scattered throughout your site, as well as links to unpublished nodes. 

To quote from the project page at drupal.org;

Ever needed to show one set of ads to visitors in one region and another set to those in another region? 
Here's how, using Drupal 7 and the ip2country module. 
2. Create or edit a block that you wish to restrict. 

We are frequently tasked with creating custom image slideshows for Drupal sites.

We work mainly in Drupal 7, and for simple home page sliders we like to use this combination;