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The Raven Calls for UX and Content Strategy Submissions

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I coded weak and weary, poring over content theory, I asked myself “can users find what they are looking for?”

“Yes,” it told me, “yes.”  Startled, I was surprised to see a raven perched on my cubicle.

“UX.” The raven cawed, cackled and clenched its claws.  “Content.” He muttered only this and nothing more. And so began my journey to investigate user experience and develop content strategy that led me to call all UX practitioners and content strategists to DrupalCon Baltimore.  

DevOps:  The Philosophical Movement

As Gene Kim, American entrepreneur and founder of Tripwire, says, DevOps is “not yet a precise collection of practices, descriptive or prescriptive.”[1]  Similarly, as Drupal enters its own era of philosophical movement towards Drupal 8, what more fitting time to focus around how we can bridge the gap between Developers and Operations to further improve our DevOps workflows.

In the DevOps Track Description, we drew comparisons between Development and Operations being like Peanut Butter and Chocolate.  Some people might think this analogy is stretching the limits or just an easy way to justify having a bunch of Peanut Butter Cups on my desk but the correlation between Peanut Butter and Chocolate is the same sort of philosophical relationship we look for between Development and Operations teams.  This philosophical relationship is what we hope to explore during the DevOps track at DrupalCon Baltimore.

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