8 Shakespeare quotes perfect for your yearbook!

There’s no denying that at one time or another William Shakespeare will pop up during one of your English lessons. Whether you are in primary school, studying for your GCSEs, or your A-Levels, The Bard will always be a top subject. So it’s only right that Shakespeare gets a little mention in your yearbook, right?!

In honour of Shakespeare Week, the team here at AllYearbooks has compiled some of their favourite quotes which would be great to use in your yearbook.


Get the look: Up, Up and Away!

Here at AllYearbooks, we absolutely love a themed book! So our lovely designer has come up with a cute new theme based on the office’s favourite Pixar film which will have you wanting to pack your bags and discover the world before you can say ‘Up, Up and Away’…

Cover Mockup SingleCover Mockup Double

With a cover as fantastic as this, of course your inside pages need to match!

Background 1Background 2.

…and let’s not forget the font and colour schemes. We’ve created a colour palette which we think compliments the blue backgrounds perfectly, and we’ve even provided the exact colour codes!

Colour Palette, fonts  Colours

So let’s take a look at the final result!


Speak to your coordinator today about using this theme for your book – the backgrounds are already available in the theme tab of your book, and you’ll find the cover in the cover area.


All about our premium yearbooks!


Our premium options allow you to get as much value for money as possible! For just £5 – £6 more per copy you can get the following:

  • Foil engraving on your front cover
  • Printed endpapers inside both covers
  • A bookmark ribbon

A great example of our premium cover engraving can be seen in our 2018 Yearbook Inspiration sample. You will receive a copy of this Premium laminated hardback in your sample pack.  Inspiration Book CoverYour crest/logo or text of your choice is cast into a metal block, which is then used to press your design into the front cover using either gold or silver foil. Snazzy!foil_colours_new2016-e1458315073365

Printed endpapers are the spreads that are immediately inside your front and back covers. Because they lie flat, they are perfect for displaying large group photos as nobody will be lost in the book’s spine.


Our bookmark ribbons come in 15 different colours so there is always an option to fit your colour scheme.


But what’s the difference between the premium laminated and leatherette hardbacks?  The two different books come with exactly the same features, but the cover has a leatherette finish which comes in 6 different colours. Add £6 on to the price of a Standard laminated hardback for this.

Leather_Cover Worksop College


Designing your own cover – what you need to know

We’ve got a lovely bunch of talented designers ready and waiting to create your yearbook cover for you, but our dream team are more than happy to take a backseat and let you design your own cover if you wish!

Designing your own cover is a great way to create a totally unique book that is special to your year group. Our designers can work with you throughout the process, either helping to tweak rough drafts, or to provide some helpful tips and hints.


There are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind while creating your design:

Size – Design your front and back covers to be a single sheet of B5 each. B5 is 17.5cm wide by 25cm high.

Image quality – Please ensure the photos you use are original images of good quality, and try to avoid downloading photos off social media.

School logo – If you are planning on using the school logo on your cover be sure to find a high quality image. We recommend speaking to your school’s graphics department to see if they have one available. Copying and pasting from the school’s website usually won’t be good enough for printing.

Design file DPI – Make sure your design document is created at 300dpi or higher.

Don’t delete the original file – When you save JPG versions of your cover, ALWAYS keep a version you can re-edit as it might need changing!

Your design can be designed in any program or hand-created on paper. If designing on a computer it’s best to save your design as a high quality JPG or PDF file to send to us, with any extra instructions needed. Scan paper designs at high resolution (300 dpi) and send it to us with any other requests.

Please leave the spin text blank, just let your coordinator/designer know what you would like the text to read as – we will then add this in for you 🙂

Please click on image to enlarge

Cover Design Info

Take a look at some amazing covers our customers have designed in the past:


Using professional images in your yearbook

While you are creating your yearbook your coordinator may mention that it looks like you’ve used professional images within your book.


This is nothing to worry about! We just need to check that you have received permission from the photography company that has taken the images as we cannot go to print without this.

What you’ll need to do is contact the photographer (their details can usually be found online) and double check that they are happy for you to use the images in your book. Some photographers are happy for you to do this free-of-charge, while for others there may be a small copyright fee. Speaking to your photographer can also give you access to high-resolution images which look amazing when printed.

Then, you’ll need to send us any written confirmation you have (via email is fine!) and your book can go to print. If we don’t receive written confirmation this may result in printing delays – and we really don’t want that to happen!


Did you know that you can have free use of Tempest Photography images in your AllYearbooks projects? Simply go to www.allyearbooks.co.uk/photos to fill in the request form and then a member of staff will be in touch with you shortly.

Happy yearbook-ing!


Making scrapbook calendar pages

When it comes to making your yearbook collage pages it’s easy to forget some of the events that have taken place over the school year. So why not dedicate a few pages in your book to a scrapbook calendar?

All you need is a 6 double-page spreads, a selection of different fonts and backgrounds, and a load of photographs. What could be easier?!

Take a look at the scrapbook we’ve made, and be sure to share your own creations with us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram (@AllYearbooks).


Who’s Who: Creating a map of your school

We love unique ideas here in the AllYearbooks office and we’ve been thinking lately about different ways to list all your teachers in your yearbooks.

We often see pages which simply list teachers and their photos, but why not shake things up a bit by getting creative and making a map!?

Of course, listing all members of staff on your map may make it a bit crowded, but this layout is a great way of giving the behind-the-scenes members of staff their time to shine.

Who'sWho Map2

We’ve layered several fill shapes to create a map outline and then added in text boxes and marker PNGs. Then, simply upload your teacher photos (perhaps crop them into a circle shape before uploading) and you’ve got yourself a map!

Speak to your yearbook coordinator today about creating this layout for your own yearbook.
