
Motivated developers,
ready to join your team.

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Trusted by the world's leading brands since 2006

We are your cavalry.

Since 2006, the world’s leading brands have turned
to X-Team to help them scale their development teams.


We'll join your team.

You manage the projects, and our trusted developers join your team full-time.

Simple, flexible contract.

Scale your team as needed. We bill on a monthly basis.

We support their growth.

We fund every developer's learning and growth to keep them motivated.

The right team.

In this video, Kaplan Inc., one of the largest education companies in the world, explains why they partner with X-Team to build their products.

Kaplan Inc.

Our Partner Benefits.

We’ve built partnerships with leading brands that have lasted nearly a decade thanks to level of care & attention we provide.

  • Dedicated Team.

    A full-time, scaleable team of trusted developers.

  • Daily Updates.

    In-depth, daily progress updates. (Before you even ask for them)

  • Account Manager.

    Dedicated account manager, available any time.

  • Flexible Contract.

    Flexible contracts with simple monthly billing.

10 years in
the making.

We train our developers based on our decade’s worth of knowledge and experience around proactive communication.

Hire X-Team
10 years in<br>the making.


We invest in learning and growth for our developers. This helps them maintain their skills and build a motivated attitude that drives your projects forward.

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Motivated<br class='br--desktop'> Developers.

Ready to

Hire motivated developers who are driven to keep their skills sharp in the most widely adopted technologies today.

Hire Developers
Ready to<br>Assemble.

We'll help you unleash.

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