04 August 2014

I know, it's been a while since the event took place (17th-18th of May), I was pretty busy and had a lot of stuff to do meanwhile, so I finally found a couple of hours to make a small review.

07 May 2014

We are getting closer and closer the our long-waited event - Moldcamp. What is Moldcamp? Well, it our very first DrupalCamp held in Moldova. We've worked your butts off to make it as nice as we can. Let's see some stats, details, sessions, etc.

26 March 2014

It's been a while since I've organised the 1st Drupal event in Moldova (to be precise 7 of January 2011 - Drupal 7 Release Party).
Lots of Drupal events took place since then. And now, we're aiming even higher: first Drupal Camp in Moldova...

07 November 2013

We (Drupal Moldova Association) have put things together last week, to creating a really awesome one-page static website for Drupal Global Training Day here in Moldova.
And here's how we did it.

27 October 2013
This will be a very short article where I'll just share a small problem I've encountered recently and how I've solved it. It's about sorting content links in either nodes or comments.
27 May 2013

For the past two months or so, we were working hard to create a non-profit organization that will be responsible for lots of Drupal-related local things, such as: events, trainings, workshops, showcases, partnerships, etc.

07 April 2013

My first attempt of a Drupal Workshop with some high-school students in a local project named "UpGreat: IT & Business". Newcomers are important for Drupal, especially for our local community and its growth. Both non-technical and technical explanations and stories mixed with some activities resulted in an interesting experience.

13 December 2012

Binding between developers and themers, or how backend developers have to prepare things to be themed by frondend developers.

26 November 2012

Finally, I had a trip I really needed, a trip to the west: Romania. I didn't visit our neighboring country for years, and seeing that a DrupalCamp will be held in Arad really brought a smile on my face.

24 October 2012
Most of us know that Views module has its own Ajax functionality. This article is about the ways we can re-use it on our website to accomplish pretty complicated tasks.
