CPJ Advocacy

Darsema Sori

This month, CPJ's #FreeThePress campaign focuses on Darsema Sori, a senior editor at Radio Bilal, who was imprisoned for his work on February 18, 2015. Learn more about Darsema's case and join CPJ in calling for the release of Darsema, and all journalists currently behind bars in Ethiopia.


Free the Press is a campaign run by CPJ to raise awareness and take action around the cases of 10 journalists imprisoned on anti-state charges like terrorism.

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CPJ supports the rights of journalists to protect confidential information when submitting to customs and border control protocols worldwide, and is therefore concerned about policies that would undermine this right.

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Never have so many different types of journalists reported the news on so many different platforms. Yet no matter the form of journalism—from investigative to beat reporting, foreign correspondence to domestic coverage, blogging to photojournalism— thorough preparation is the starting point.

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Murder is the ultimate form of censorship. Hundreds of journalists are murdered but the killers go free in nine out of 10 cases. CPJ is waging a global campaign to combat impunity. Raise your voice. Speak out for justice.

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Free Rasool

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