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Archive for March, 2013

Economics as if People Really Mattered - Week Six - Conclusion from conormccabe

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Economics as if People Really Mattered - Week Five - Galway from conormccabe

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Selma James- Defending Caring and Welfare in Careless Times from Paula Geraghty on Vimeo.
Recording of a talk given by Selma James at an event organised by Praxis Communiversity, which was held on 12 March 2013 at the Equality Studies Centre, UCD School of Social Justice.
The recording was made by Paula Geraghty.

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Selection from the 1987 publication, Debt and Danger: The World Financial Crisis, by Harold Lever and Christopher Huhne, which discusses the rise of credit in the post-war period and the austerity policies of the IMF in Latin America.
The chapters hold a lot of relevance for us here today in Ireland and the EU, as the […]

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The new issue of LookLeft magazine, Ireland’s leading progressive media outlet available in newsagents country wide, includes articles on emigration and how it has benefited conservative forces in the Republic and an in-depth look at the events and impact of the 1913 Lockout.
In an article investigating the impact of emigration on the Republic, British and […]

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Slides for Tuesday’s workshop.

Economics As If People Really Mattered - Week Four - Galway from conormccabe

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Slides from tonight’s talk.

Belfast feminist network 8-03-13 from conormccabe

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HUGO CHAVEZ 1954-2013

I will not yield
I will not fall
I will eat dynamite
And one day I will explode like a volcano

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Slides from today’s workshop.

Economics As If People Really Mattered - Week Three from conormccabe

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