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Archive for September, 2008

Short-sighted economic policy?
Property bubble burst?
Severe credit-crunch?
Erectile dysfunction?
If you are ticking all of the above boxes, (except maybe, ahem, the last one), then you’re probably in Ireland in 2008, or Sweden in 1992.
Sixteen years ago, Sweden was looking down the barrel of an insolvent gun. Its housing bubble had burst, resulting in a credit crunch […]

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“But most of them are honourable, good, solid people. And the point is that if you put your balls on the table, you get the reward or you get the kick. It can go one way or the other. Guys are now feeling the squeeze and if it goes on, a lot of them are […]

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Last year I went looking for something to put up by the Great Western Squares but couldn’t find anything. Sean’s post about The Sewing Room got me looking again, and sure enough, something’s popped up. It’s their cover of “Ace Of Spades” and damn fine it is too. Their second album, Ammost Sober, is going […]

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Night is gone, a dawn
comes up in birds and sounds of the city.
There will be light
to live by, things
to see: my eyes will lift
to where the sun in vermilion sits,
and I will love thee and have pity. (Michael Hartnett)
I’m sitting on the small fenced stone wall that surrounds the central bank on Dame Street, drinking […]

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In case anyone hasn’t seen the original interview, check it out here.

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From today’s New York Times:-
Congressional leaders and the Bush administration reached a tentative agreement early Sunday on what may become the largest financial bailout in American history, authorizing the Treasury to purchase $700 billion in troubled debt from ailing firms in an extraordinary intervention to prevent widespread economic collapse. Officials said that Congressional staff members […]

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Paul Newman, 1925-2008

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“If anywhere in the world needed punk, it was Belfast”
(Terri Hooley - glass-eyed rogue)

I recall (that’s like remembering only a tad more middle class) my first and probably only trip up to Belfast. It started on a bus from Busaras that trundled up the pathetic excuse for an N1 that was only halfway decent to […]

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