• Oncogenes & Tumor Suppressor Genes Bax P53 MYC Bcl-2 BRCA Trastuzumab Rb

    http://www.stomponstep1.com/oncogenes-tumor-suppressor-genes-bax-p53-myc-bcl-2-brca/ Along the cell cycle, there are numerous checkpoints in which the cell “doubles check” whether or not it should proceed to the next phase. At these checkpoints the cell decides whether or not it should move to the next step in the cell cycle. Abnormalities in these checkpoints are the keys to cancer formation, as dysregulation of these control mechanisms leads to unregulated cell division. The most important of these cell checkpoints is the point where the cell determines whether or not it should move from the G1 to S phase. Cells that pass through this checkpoint generally end up going through the full cycle of division. Rb and p53 are the most important control mechanisms at this check point. Tumor Su...

    published: 05 Sep 2014
  • Frooti BCL Episode 18 – Delhi Dragons vs. Pune Anmol Ratn

    published: 28 May 2016
  • BCL "Suka Kepede-an?" Periscope

    Gara-gara bilang "I Look Better in person" BCL dianggap kepede-an. "I Look Better in person (than in photos)" maksudnya hampir sama "I look better directly" atau ''Aslinya lebih cantik". Cantiknya gak menipu, bukan trik kamera. Gak fotogenic apa lagi foto genit :P #PeriscopeID Jangan lupa komentarnya :) Periscope Selebrity Indonesia lainnya: Periscope Part 6: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHWrZCMGCuprTzbgGQEw_nWa4xBtjxaD3 Periscope Part 7: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHWrZCMGCupodwN8IOdiH4F3-BLsO5cJV

    published: 30 Sep 2015
  • BCL Episoide 1| The Return

    I DONT OWN THE CAVE MUSIC MADE IN THIS VIDEO!!! BTW NICE PLOT TWIST RIGHT THERE AT THE END HUH? Twitter: @DiggerBCL Want to get a change to be in a video? Join this server! mc.bclnation.net And acually play :P

    published: 21 Jun 2015
  • Pbcl bogor di ràja ratu net

    Bnr raya ruko soho no c1 no 9

    published: 29 Feb 2016
  • Nigel Kennedy Quintet - Burghausen, Germany, 2009-03-18 (full concert)

    The Nigel Kennedy Quintet Wackerhalle, 40th Internationale Jazzwoche, Burghausen/Germany, 18th March 2009 Nigel Kennedy, vl Tomasz Grzegorski, ts, bcl Piotr Wylezol, p, Hammond B3 Adam Kowalewski, b Krzysztof Dziedzic, dr setlist: 1. Cloud 2. Where All Paths Meet 3. Father And Son 4. Nice Bottle Of Beaujolais, Innit? 5. Hills Of Saturn 6. Boo Booos Blooooze 7. Donovan 8. Third Stone From The Sun TT: 1:55:20

    published: 18 Nov 2014
  • BCI Tumour Biology: integrins and metastasis

    Integrins are cell surface adhesion (sticking) proteins that allow cells to interact with the environment. In cancer these proteins can "misbehave" and this can contribute to the development of cancer, and to cancer spreading (metastasis)

    published: 17 Jun 2016
  • Shinku no Chou Overview Trailer English Sub [Takashi - BCL]

    English Subbed version of the Overview trailer by me. :) Someone has pointed out some typos. Sorry guys. I was up all night working on this x_x http://www.cameraslens.com/community/index.php?/user/1918-takashi94/ Text Translation - Chelsea

    published: 30 May 2012
  • Frooti BCL Episode 9 – Jaipur Raj Joshiley vs. Mumbai Tigers

    published: 28 May 2016
  • Ze manel o guitarrista bcl :P

    published: 24 Dec 2009
  • Mõneks ajaks tagasi ja uudised :P


    published: 29 Jul 2015
  • P!nk ft Nate Ruess - Just give me a reason LIVE - Just give me a reason Directo HD Best Performance

    Blog here - http://enlanubedesanti.blogspot.com.es/ Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/santidelrey_ pink fr nate ruess just give me a reason live pink ft nate ruess just give me a reason directo pink just give me a reason live pink just give me a reason directo just give me a reason live pink just give me a reason directo pink nate ruess just give me a reason live nate ruess just give me a reason directo just give me a reason live nate ruess just give me a reason directo nate ruess pink just give me a reason live pink just five me a reason directo just give me a reason live pink just give me a reason directo pink fun nate ruess best live performance nate ruess best performance nate ruess mejor actuacion pink best live performance pink best performance pink mejor actuacion p!nk j...

    published: 26 Apr 2013
  • Ivghan - Sadis (Feat. BCL jadi model vid klip ;p)

    Video klip jadul, si Ivan lipsync lagunya Afgan - Sadis. Selingannya BCL lg pose ;p (ceritanya mbak BCL jadi model vid klip gituuuhhh)

    published: 31 Aug 2012
  • Bcl practise

    Please subscribe my Channel for more blacklight retribution vídeos :p

    published: 12 Feb 2017
  • Battlefield 4 | FINAL Fragmovie | BCL Season 8 Major Division

    This is my FINAL fragmovie to be released in BF4. Clips are from 8v8 PCW's, official BCL matches and ESL Nations Cup 2016. Stay tuned unitl BF1! :P BF4 BCL: https://auzom.gg/ Music: Zara Larsson - Uncover (Richello Remix)

    published: 17 May 2016

    published: 14 Oct 2012
Oncogenes & Tumor Suppressor Genes Bax P53 MYC Bcl-2 BRCA Trastuzumab Rb

Oncogenes & Tumor Suppressor Genes Bax P53 MYC Bcl-2 BRCA Trastuzumab Rb

  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:53
  • Updated: 05 Sep 2014
  • views: 20172
http://www.stomponstep1.com/oncogenes-tumor-suppressor-genes-bax-p53-myc-bcl-2-brca/ Along the cell cycle, there are numerous checkpoints in which the cell “doubles check” whether or not it should proceed to the next phase. At these checkpoints the cell decides whether or not it should move to the next step in the cell cycle. Abnormalities in these checkpoints are the keys to cancer formation, as dysregulation of these control mechanisms leads to unregulated cell division. The most important of these cell checkpoints is the point where the cell determines whether or not it should move from the G1 to S phase. Cells that pass through this checkpoint generally end up going through the full cycle of division. Rb and p53 are the most important control mechanisms at this check point. Tumor Suppressor genes are involved in preventing one of the steps in the pathway that causes cancer. Most often these genes are involved in regulating the cell cycle and causing apoptosis in abnormal cells. When tumor suppressors are functioning properly they prevent abnormal cells from passing through checkpoints (stop cell division to give the cell time to repair itself). Malfunctioning tumor suppressors are some of the most important contributing factors to cancer formation, because it allows unregulated cell division. Since Tumor Suppressors contribute to cancer through a loss of function mutation both alleles generally need to be mutated to cause cancer. Even 1 functioning allele is usually enough to regulate the cell cycle. This is an example of the “two hit hypothesis.” p53 is the most important tumor suppressor and is found to be mutated in about half of all cancers. p53 is activated by cellular damage or mutation to the DNA. p53 is a transcription factor which works by altering the transcription of downstream genes. When active, p53 stops the cell cycle (primarily at the G1-to-S Phase checkpoint) to give the cell time to repair itself. If repair is not possible, p53 causes apoptosis of the cell. We have already learned that cytochrome C leakage from the mitochondria into the cytosol activates caspases and leads to apoptosis. The interaction between Bcl-2 (oncogenic/anti-apoptotic) and Bax (anti-oncogenic/ apoptotic) is a key regulator of cyt C release. Bax is a protein embedded in the mitochondrial membrane with a pore that can open or close as a result of conformational shape changes. When this Bax pore is open, cyt C can flow out of the mitochondria into the cytosol and cause apoptosis. One of the actions of Bcl-2 is to close the Bax pore. Apoptosis is initiated by p53 by increasing the activity/expression of Bax and decreasing the activity/expression Bcl-2. Rb protein is another important tumor suppressor which controls the G1-to-S Phase checkpoint that is dysfunctional in many cancers. Rb stands for retinoblastoma which is the first cancer this protein was associated with. Rb stops the cell cycle by inhibiting the action of the E2F transcription factor. E2F activates genes which transition a cell from the G1 phase to the S phase. Therefore, the inhibition of EF2 by active RB protein prevents the cells transition into the S phase. When RB is phosphorylated it is inactivated which allows the cell to progress through the checkpoint in an unregulated manner. In HPV E6 protein is created and “flags” p53 for degradation using ubiquitin. HPV also creates protein E7 which inhibits the action of Rb. These functions inactivate these tumor suppressors and cause cancers primarily in the cervix. BRCA1 & BRCA-2 are tumor suppressor genes that fix double strand DNA breaks and perform mismatch repair. Germline (inherited) mutations and inactivation of either of these tumor suppressors can lead to familial types of breast and ovarian cancers. Pictures Used: Derivative of “Connecticut ComiCONN Superhero Mascot“ by ComiCONNMitch available at http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Connecticut_ComiCONN_Superhero_Mascot..jpg via Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike Derivative of “Door Line Art” by gammillian available at http://openclipart.org/detail/75991/door-line-art-by-gammillian via Public DomainVillain” by J.J. available at http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/File:Villainc.svg via Creative Commons Attribution-Share AlikeSmiling Man 7” by TikiGiki available at http://openclipart.org/detail/174072/smiling-man-7-by-tikigiki-174072 Via Public Domain
Frooti BCL Episode 18 – Delhi Dragons vs. Pune Anmol Ratn

Frooti BCL Episode 18 – Delhi Dragons vs. Pune Anmol Ratn

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:13:04
  • Updated: 28 May 2016
  • views: 8028
BCL "Suka Kepede-an?" Periscope

BCL "Suka Kepede-an?" Periscope

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:13
  • Updated: 30 Sep 2015
  • views: 206913
Gara-gara bilang "I Look Better in person" BCL dianggap kepede-an. "I Look Better in person (than in photos)" maksudnya hampir sama "I look better directly" atau ''Aslinya lebih cantik". Cantiknya gak menipu, bukan trik kamera. Gak fotogenic apa lagi foto genit :P #PeriscopeID Jangan lupa komentarnya :) Periscope Selebrity Indonesia lainnya: Periscope Part 6: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHWrZCMGCuprTzbgGQEw_nWa4xBtjxaD3 Periscope Part 7: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHWrZCMGCupodwN8IOdiH4F3-BLsO5cJV
BCL Episoide 1| The Return

BCL Episoide 1| The Return

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:51
  • Updated: 21 Jun 2015
  • views: 50
I DONT OWN THE CAVE MUSIC MADE IN THIS VIDEO!!! BTW NICE PLOT TWIST RIGHT THERE AT THE END HUH? Twitter: @DiggerBCL Want to get a change to be in a video? Join this server! mc.bclnation.net And acually play :P
Pbcl bogor di ràja ratu net

Pbcl bogor di ràja ratu net

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:05
  • Updated: 29 Feb 2016
  • views: 2286
Bnr raya ruko soho no c1 no 9
Nigel Kennedy Quintet - Burghausen, Germany, 2009-03-18 (full concert)

Nigel Kennedy Quintet - Burghausen, Germany, 2009-03-18 (full concert)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:55:22
  • Updated: 18 Nov 2014
  • views: 20579
The Nigel Kennedy Quintet Wackerhalle, 40th Internationale Jazzwoche, Burghausen/Germany, 18th March 2009 Nigel Kennedy, vl Tomasz Grzegorski, ts, bcl Piotr Wylezol, p, Hammond B3 Adam Kowalewski, b Krzysztof Dziedzic, dr setlist: 1. Cloud 2. Where All Paths Meet 3. Father And Son 4. Nice Bottle Of Beaujolais, Innit? 5. Hills Of Saturn 6. Boo Booos Blooooze 7. Donovan 8. Third Stone From The Sun TT: 1:55:20
BCI Tumour Biology: integrins and metastasis

BCI Tumour Biology: integrins and metastasis

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:40
  • Updated: 17 Jun 2016
  • views: 182785
Integrins are cell surface adhesion (sticking) proteins that allow cells to interact with the environment. In cancer these proteins can "misbehave" and this can contribute to the development of cancer, and to cancer spreading (metastasis)
Shinku no Chou Overview Trailer English Sub [Takashi - BCL]

Shinku no Chou Overview Trailer English Sub [Takashi - BCL]

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:40
  • Updated: 30 May 2012
  • views: 2251
English Subbed version of the Overview trailer by me. :) Someone has pointed out some typos. Sorry guys. I was up all night working on this x_x http://www.cameraslens.com/community/index.php?/user/1918-takashi94/ Text Translation - Chelsea
Frooti BCL Episode 9 – Jaipur Raj Joshiley vs. Mumbai Tigers

Frooti BCL Episode 9 – Jaipur Raj Joshiley vs. Mumbai Tigers

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:12:24
  • Updated: 28 May 2016
  • views: 23650
Ze manel o guitarrista bcl :P

Ze manel o guitarrista bcl :P

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:45
  • Updated: 24 Dec 2009
  • views: 67
Mõneks ajaks tagasi ja uudised :P

Mõneks ajaks tagasi ja uudised :P

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:51
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2015
  • views: 782
P!nk ft Nate Ruess - Just give me a reason LIVE - Just give me a reason Directo HD Best Performance

P!nk ft Nate Ruess - Just give me a reason LIVE - Just give me a reason Directo HD Best Performance

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:09
  • Updated: 26 Apr 2013
  • views: 13817949
Blog here - http://enlanubedesanti.blogspot.com.es/ Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/santidelrey_ pink fr nate ruess just give me a reason live pink ft nate ruess just give me a reason directo pink just give me a reason live pink just give me a reason directo just give me a reason live pink just give me a reason directo pink nate ruess just give me a reason live nate ruess just give me a reason directo just give me a reason live nate ruess just give me a reason directo nate ruess pink just give me a reason live pink just five me a reason directo just give me a reason live pink just give me a reason directo pink fun nate ruess best live performance nate ruess best performance nate ruess mejor actuacion pink best live performance pink best performance pink mejor actuacion p!nk just give me a reason live p!nk just give me a reason directo p!nk y nate ruess nate ruess y p!nk p!nk and nate ruess nate ruess and p!nk pink just give me a reason acapella pink just give me a reason karaoke with lyrics on screen pink just give me a reason karaoke instrumental with lyrics pink just give me a reason karaoke with lyrics pink just give me a reason lyrics pink just give me a reason letra pink just give me a reason official video pink just give me a reason video oficial escenas cotidianas santi5hd
Ivghan - Sadis (Feat. BCL jadi model vid klip ;p)

Ivghan - Sadis (Feat. BCL jadi model vid klip ;p)

  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:20
  • Updated: 31 Aug 2012
  • views: 123
Video klip jadul, si Ivan lipsync lagunya Afgan - Sadis. Selingannya BCL lg pose ;p (ceritanya mbak BCL jadi model vid klip gituuuhhh)
Bcl practise

Bcl practise

  • Order:
  • Duration: 41:55
  • Updated: 12 Feb 2017
  • views: 25
Please subscribe my Channel for more blacklight retribution vídeos :p
Battlefield 4 | FINAL Fragmovie | BCL Season 8 Major Division

Battlefield 4 | FINAL Fragmovie | BCL Season 8 Major Division

  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:05
  • Updated: 17 May 2016
  • views: 1105
This is my FINAL fragmovie to be released in BF4. Clips are from 8v8 PCW's, official BCL matches and ESL Nations Cup 2016. Stay tuned unitl BF1! :P BF4 BCL: https://auzom.gg/ Music: Zara Larsson - Uncover (Richello Remix)


  • Order:
  • Duration: 15:20
  • Updated: 14 Oct 2012
  • views: 112312