Growth Is Finite

But we could truly prosper.

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Ecological Economics

Ecological economics recognises that the
economy is part of the environment – not
the other way around.

This turns conventional economic
thinking upside down and
opens up new

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Where Do You Fit In?

As Ghandi said – ‘Be the change’. :-)

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We Have a New Vision:

Without a vision for the future, we wither, as individuals and as a nation.

We want to share our excitement with as many people as possible about our destiny as a nation, in these interesting times.

Our vision is not so much about how left-wing or right-wing our position is.  Neither is it about ‘getting by’ until the gods of the economy deem us worthy of another economic up-cycle.  Our vision is one of fairness and social inclusion for all.  It is also about empowerment. We have the power to re-imagine our society.

We see Ireland prospering, in spite of – even because of – the two most important problems facing our world.  How we respond today to the challenges these present us with, will cast the die for centuries.

So, we have reached a critical juncture.  First, we have over-consumption of the many different non-renewable resources in the Earth’s crust.  The most important of these is oil.   The Global Economy literally floats on oil, not only because is it a provider of fuel and energy, but also because it is the key feed-stock for the production of today’s consumer goods, plastics and chemicals.  It can also be convincingly argued that modern agriculture is the process of turning crude oil into people.  Indeed, such is oil’s importance that fluctuations in its supply have profound effects on the human world.  Up to this point the supply of oil has steadily increased year-on-year for a century.  This has underpinned the ‘growth economy’ that we know today.  We were all born into this economy, and most unquestioningly believe that this will last forever.   The second problem is the side-effect of growth which is to harm our environment, including pollution and loss of pristine environment and species.  Some of these treasures have already been lost forever, but much of it we can still snatch back from the brink.