Tag Archives: Indonesia

Australia’s shame: estimated 2000 deaths by drowning of asylum-seekers

If the UK’s big scandal is about Westminster/VIPs child sex abuse, then Australia’s must be the offshore processing (imprisonment) of asylum-seekers, including the hundreds of deaths at sea that form part of this narrative. In the Mediterranean, hundreds of thousands … Continue reading

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As evidence of abuse mounts, prosecution of Abbott Govt in ICC looking more likely

A year or even six months ago most pundits would have agreed it was highly unlikely that an Australian prime minister would face prosecution in the International Criminal Court (ICC) regarding Government policy and treatment of asylum-seekers. But that was … Continue reading

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Navy hijacked refugees, before abandoning them in boats low on fuel

Recent testimony indicates that the boat carrying the 65 asylum-seekers from Indonesia, heading for New Zealand, was forcibly hijacked by the Australian Navy in international waters, before being escorted to Australian waters. After illegally detaining the asylum-seekers and their crew … Continue reading

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#OnWaterGate: list of laws Govt contravened growing (details here)

The number of laws and international protocols the Tony Abbott Government may have contravened regarding the alleged funding of ‘people smugglers’ is growing, with more legal experts agreeing that the Government must be held to account. We provide an update … Continue reading

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#OnWaterGate: 65 asylum-seekers named; more details of journey revealed

We publish, below, a transcript of a letter signed by the 65 asylum-seekers whose boat, which was heading for New Zealand, was intercepted by the Australian Navy and Customs. As is now common knowledge – the story has gone global … Continue reading

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Abbott does not deny funding ‘people smugglers’ | How he could be indicted

It’s not often that Tony Abbott hits headline news outside of Australia, but today on BBC World News that is what happened, with the story of how he continues to refuse to deny the claim that his Government has funded … Continue reading

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Rohingya refugees: report by Holocaust Museum warns of genocide

In March 2015, staff from the Holocaust Museum’s Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide travelled to Burma to investigate threats facing the Rohingya people, a Muslim minority that has been the target of rampant hate speech, the denial of … Continue reading

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