Tag Archives: CIA

A spy chief warns us about our TVs, but neglects the embarrassing bits

Britain’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) chief Ciaran Martin has warned consumers they should be wary of smart devices in the home. Such as the TV. That’s because they can be hacked. But Martin forgets to point out several vital … Continue reading

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Evidence that Michael Hastings, killed in mysterious car crash, ‘knew’ elements of CIA’s ‘Vault 7’ ops

There is growing evidence that, prior to his tragic death in June 2013, award-winning investigative journalist Michael Hastings had been looking into material that formed part of what WikiLeaks would eventually publish as the CIA ‘Vault 7’ documents. Other evidence indicates … Continue reading

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Extreme hacking by CIA (and NSA/GHCQ) requires ‘extreme’ solutions, such as these

The first release of ‘Vault 7’ documents by WikiLeaks and previous releases by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden confirm how ultimate responsibility for the proliferation of cyber crime (like hacking) may well lie with America’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and other intelligence … Continue reading

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Former MI6 agent’s Trump allegations, despite FBI inaction, may only be the beginning

Months of inaction by the FBI forced former MI6 spy Christopher Steele to turn to the ‘alternative’ media to publicise his allegations against President-elect Donald Trump. In the end, the allegations were published in the form of a ‘dossier’ by … Continue reading

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Rupert Murdoch flips | Sunday Times article on Snowden rife with errors

Today, Times Newspapers Ltd (TNL), the company that owns the Sunday Times, issued a copyright infringement notice to the legal owners of First Look/The Intercept, the online news magazine. The ostensible reason for this is that TNL believe that The … Continue reading

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Police launch investigation into rendition flights via Scotland: here is the evidence

Today it was announced that Police Scotland are to request that the CIA hand over all information about aircraft involved in extraordinary rendition and which used Scotland as a stopover. In particular, Police Scotland have asked to see the unredacted … Continue reading

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Chelsea Manning: international legal challenges to verdicts/sentence explored

The publication at the end of last year of the US Senate report into CIA torture provides an opportunity for the international community to directly intervene in the fate of the person who might well be described as the catalyst … Continue reading

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