Tag Archives: anarchists

As the Tories’ child refugee policy faces legal challenge, others opt for direct action

In Britain, legal action is underway to try and force the Tory government to accept more unaccompanied child refugees. But elsewhere in Europe, activists haven’t waited for government action. They’ve taken matters into their own hands. And the results are … Continue reading

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New international brigade launched to defend Rojava (Kurdistan) against ISIS, Turkey and Syria

A new international brigade – the International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF) – has been launched to defend the revolution in Rojava (Kurdistan). Its wider aim is to help “defend social revolutions around the world, to directly confront capital and … Continue reading

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As ‘terror’ charges dropped against environmental activists, evidence of UK intervention revealed

‘Terrorism’ charges have been dropped against environmental activists spied on by a British undercover police officer. The activists lived in the village community of Tarnac, France. And the undercover police officer – dubbed a ‘spycop’ – was Mark Kennedy, who worked … Continue reading

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Greece: more and more anarchist refugee collectives displace state-run detention centres

While the world’s media is suitably distracted by the Olympic Games in Brazil, the war in Syria and beyond continues to see thousands of people – men, women and children – killed each week and many more atempting the perilous … Continue reading

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Police & fascist attacks on anarchist refugee centres (Greece) form pattern of collusion

A pattern is developing: refugee centres in Greece organised by anarchists are being raided by police and/or set on fire by fascists – probably Golden Dawn. The latest attack has been on Cafe Soli, on the island of Chios. The … Continue reading

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Where refugee solidarity & the alternative economy converge: the anarchist refugee centres of Athens

Beyond the bureaucracy of the Eurocrats, or the catastrophic mismanagement by the EU of the refugee ‘crisis’, or the xenophobic rants of the tabloid press, there is another Europe – the real Europe – a continent of Europeans who are … Continue reading

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Rojava: the real frontline against ISIS; inside the Kurdish revolution

Since their successful defense of Kobanê against the Islamic State a year ago, the Kurdish resistance movement – specifically the YPG (men’s milita) and YPJ (women’s militia) – has captured international media attention. Meanwhile, their experiment in forming a stateless … Continue reading

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