Renowned economist and retired professor V K Nataraj, 85, passed away on Monday morning, at a private hospital, in Mysuru, due to age-related illness ...MIDS director, Nataraj was active in the .
India's swimming campaign at the Paris2024 Olympics saw an early end as both Srihari Nataraj and Dhinidhi Desinghu failed to progress past the heats in their respective events ... Srihari Nataraj, ...
Indian swimmer Srihari Nataraj recently shared a video that captured the attention of many. He shared a video on Instagram where he unboxed the official ParisOlympic Kit given to all athletes ... .
It would have been able to qualify with the qualifying time, but it is what it is," Srihari Nataraj told ANI... I had a decent race in the Olympics but could not make it to the semis," Srihari Nataraj said.