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Amnesty International USA: Travel Ban Ruling Short-Term Relief

A federal judge in Hawaii has enjoined the Trump administration from including grandparents and other family members in the travel ban, as well as refugees with formal commitments from refugee organizations in the United States to resettle here. Naureen Shah, Amnesty International USA senior director of campaigns, released the following statement:

Trump-Macron Meeting Highlights Urgency of Welcoming Refugees

This week, U.S. President Trump is visiting Paris to meet with French President Macron for Bastile Day in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the U.S. entry into World War I. Trump and Macron are expected to hold talks on Syria and counterterrorism efforts, among other issues. Amnesty International USA senior director of campaigns, Naureen Shah, issued this statement:

Liu Xiaobo: A giant of human rights who leaves a lasting legacy for China and the world

Responding to the news that Nobel Peace Prize Winner Liu Xiaobo has passed away, Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International commented:

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Amnesty Activists at the Women's March 2017

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