Tag Archives: Stratfor

The companies that know your every move, and the journalist jailed for exposing them [VIDEO]

  To offer cyber protection, we need to understand cyber intrusion (i.e. hacking). And US journalist Barrett Brown was researching the companies that practise both. Until, that is, he was sent to jail. On 6 March 2012, Brown’s home was raided … Continue reading

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Barrett Brown: ‘offending’ hyperlink republished; parole conditions threaten journalists

Yesterday we provided details of the astonishingly stringent parole conditions that US journalist Barratt Brown will face once he is released from prison – conditions that mean the tools of his trade will be removed and that he will be … Continue reading

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Barrett Brown sentence includes surveillance of his computer usage on his release

It has been revealed that the sentence of US journalist Barratt Brown not only includes over three-quarter of a million dollars restitution payment to Stratfor but also the ongoing monitoring of his computer work once he has served his prison … Continue reading

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A forensic analysis as to why legal judgements against Barrett Brown & Jeremy Hammond should be overturned

On January 22nd US journalist Barrett Brown will know whether he will receive up to 8.5 years imprisonment for what are basically minor offences he allegedly committed in response to FBI provocation – all because of his investigations in the murky … Continue reading

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Barrett Brown: why his sentencing hearing was sabotaged; his case should now be thrown out

On Tuesday the sentencing of Barrett Brown, a US journalist, was delayed for a second time and postponed until January 22 of next year. At the hearing the prosecution dramatically presented 500 pages of new evidence, seemingly unrelated to the … Continue reading

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Barrett Brown’s prosecution is revenge for exposing secret workings of US private intelligence

US journalist Barrett Brown is to be sentenced on December 16th for his part in researching and exposing the inner workings of some of the leading but very secretive private security and intelligence firms that few American know about and … Continue reading

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Barrett Brown: the journalist imprisoned for being in the wrong place at the wrong time

Barrett Brown On November 24th journalist and online investigative researcher Barrett Brown is to be sentenced to a possible eight years or more imprisonment for basically carrying out his job. Brown is based not in Egypt, or Iran, or North … Continue reading

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