Tag Archives: Anonymous

As “Snoopers Charter” becomes law, one ISP is showing how state surveillance can be bypassed

The Investigatory Powers Bill, or ‘Snooper’s Charter‘, is about to become law. This will make legal the mass surveillance technologies that UK agency GCHQ and its partners have deployed for the last decade or more, as revealed by Edward Snowden. … Continue reading

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Aaron Swartz and Lauri Love: the real reasons for their prosecutions? (Part 3)

British computer scientist and activist Lauri Love faces the possibility of life in a US jail. He has had multiple charges thrown at him just as American IT genius Aaron Swartz faced before ending his own life in 2013, as described previously at The Canary. But … Continue reading

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The link between UK activist, cyber ‘warheads’ & US Secret Service – Part Two

  British computer scientist and activist Lauri Love is a victim of prosecutional overreach by the USA. This process consists of multiple charges being thrown at a defendant to force them to agree to a plea bargain in the hope of avoiding a … Continue reading

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99 years jail threatened for “prankery”: Lauri Love (and the Aaron Swartz story) – Part One

  If Washington DC has its way a British citizen with Asperger’s Syndrome will be extradited to the US for a ‘prank’. This could see him face 99 years in prison. Lauri Love is a computer scientist who advises on computer security. He is … Continue reading

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Anonymous warned intelligence services of threatened ISIS attacks for November 22nd

Anonymous has issued a statement saying that it has warned MI5, the CIA, the FBI and the Australian Government of possible multiple attacks by ISIS or ISIS supporters, scheduled for this Sunday, 22 November. The information Anonymous has acquired specifies … Continue reading

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Anons claim 15,000 pro-ISIS online accounts deactivated via live data-mining facility

A relatively unreported cyber war has been taking place over the last two months. It is largely a one-way war conducted against ISIS – but not on the battlefields of Syria or Iraq, but in cyberspace by Anonymous hactivists. It’s … Continue reading

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