- published: 14 Mar 2016
- views: 2833
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the United Nations' global development network.
Headquartered in New York City, UNDP advocates for change and connects countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. It provides expert advice, training, and grant support to developing countries, with increasing emphasis on assistance to the least developed countries.
The status of UNDP is that of an executive board within the United Nations General Assembly. The UNDP Administrator is the third highest-ranking official of the United Nations after the United Nations Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General.
To accomplish the MDGs and encourage global development, UNDP focuses on poverty reduction, HIV/AIDS, democratic governance, energy and environment, social development, and crisis prevention and recovery. UNDP also encourages the protection of human rights and the empowerment of women in all of its programmes. The UNDP Human Development Report Office also publishes an annual Human Development Report (since 1990) to measure and analyse developmental progress. In addition to a global Report, UNDP publishes regional, national, and local Human Development Reports.
UNDP - Connecting the Dots for People & Planet
UNDP & the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Transitioning from the MDGs to the SDGs
UNDP - Building A Better Future
UNDP’s Regional Programme for Africa in a nutshell
UNDP Administrator Helen Clark's Speech to the Executive Board - Jan 2017
UNDP@50 in India
UNDP - Afghanistan
ล่องแก่งห่วงยาง สุดเหวี่ยง สังขละบุรี | Picnicly [ft. Bosskerati & UNDP]
UNDP Trailer
With more than 50 years of experience, UNDP offers a ‘whole of society’ approach to eradicate poverty and improve the lives of millions of people.
#GlobalGoals The SDGs are a global call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all human beings enjoy peace and prosperity. The Goals are a universal and bold commitment to both people and planet, and UNDP stands ready to implement this broad and ambitious agenda.
An end to poverty, hunger and inequality worldwide. That and more is the ambitious agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), agreed upon by 193 countries at the United Nations in September 2015. Learn about the Goals and the work of the United Nations Development Programme, a global leader in the effort to fulfil the Goals.
The United Nations Development Programme started with the belief everyone deserves a chance to live with dignity, opportunity, and safety. We can be the first generation to eliminate poverty, and the last generation to face the threat of climate change.
This motion graphic video provides an overview of UNDP’s view of the challenges impeding Africa from achieving its stated goal, as per the AU’s Agenda 2063, of an integrated, prosperous and peaceful continent. It illustrates UNDP’s approach at the regional level in support of regional and continental bodies, as well as at country level in driving progress.
The Government of India and UNDP have partnered for over five decades in almost all areas of human development, from democratic governance to poverty eradication, to sustainable energy and environmental management.
As in most countries, Afghanistan's future lies in the hands of its people. Yet the challenges are huge: Afghanistan faces enormous recovery needs after decades of war, natural disasters and a continuing cycle of violence. Despite significant steps forward, millions of Afghans still live in severe poverty. This rugged, landlocked country remains one of the poorest in the world, with more than half the population living below the poverty line. Despite these hurdles, Afghanistan now stands at the crossroad of recovery and development. The UN Development Programme (UNDP) has been working in Afghanistan for more than 50 years and remains committed to improving the lives of Afghans through national governance and poverty reduction programmes, rural and urban development schemes, and by pro...
ทีม Picnicly กับ UNDP สร้างโปรเจคเที่ยวมันส์ เที่ยวรักษ์โลก ลุค จอช พาไปตะลุยที่ สังขละบุรี จ.กาญจนบุรี หมู่บ้านกองม่องทะ แม่น้ำรันตี แม่น้ำซองกาเรีย การสร้างอนุรักษ์รักษาความสะอาดของแม่น้ำตั้งแต่ต้นกำเนิด โครงการพัฒนาแห่งสหประชาชาติ ดูบทความบันทึก เที่ยวทริปนี้ แบบสนุกๆ ภาพเบื้องหลังฮาๆ คลิ้กเลย https://picnic.ly/2016/11/undp-travel-kan-picnicly/ *** ติดตามเราที่ *** PICNICLY IG https://instagram.com/picniclythailand PICNICLY FB https://facebook.com/picnicly LOIC IG https://instagram.com/lomaroll JOSH FB https://facebook.com/justjoshth LUKE IG https://instagram.com/lukecd TAE IG https://instagram.com/taedextor MAKI IG https://instagram.com/makiradio MINA YT https://www.youtube.com/MinaTravels
You shot your mouth off
and now you know I'm the talk of the town.
You shot your mouth off
you been spreadin' those rumors around.
You shot your mouth off
and now I find that I'm not alone.
You shot your mouth off
and then it's something I should have known.
When boys talk
they don't talk politics.
When boys talk
they talk about their kicks.
When boys talk
you know what's on their mind.
When boys talk
you know just what you'll find.
let me tell you 'bout my date last night
'cause everything really went right.
Don't get me wrong I don't want to brag
But it was just money in the bag
say money in the bag.
She said I never had a lover like you
you know just what to do.
And then I did it so many times
she started sayin' nursery rhymes.
She say
uh, uh, baby
she say
uh, uh, baby
And when she asked to see me again
I couldn't wait to tell all my friends.
When boys talk
they don't talk politics. . . .
When you're out on the street talkin' trash
You even said that I gave you some cash
why don't you go on the radio
Or get your own T.V. show? Don't broadcast to everyone
'cause my love is one on one
I said one on one
One on one
I said one on one. But if you really think that you should
I'll just tell him that you were no good.
And you know that I would
and you know that I would.
My love is something special to share
so boy
you better start to take care.
And watch your mouth
say watch your mouth
watch your mouth.
When boys talk
they don't talk politics. . . .
Don't you talk about me
don't you talk about me
when boys talk.
When you're out on the street talkin' trash
You even said that I gave you some cash
Or get your own T.V'show
Don't broadcast to everyone
'cause my love is one
On one
I said one on one
One on one
I said one on one.
Burt if you really think
Tust tell him that you
Were no good. And you know
That I would
and you know
That I would. My love is some-
thing special to share
so boy
you better start to take care
and watch your mouth
say watch
Your mouth
watch your mouth.
When boys talk
They don't talk polics...
Don't you talk about me
Don't you talk about me